Search Results for: research

Anti-Social Networking

This is a cautionary post for those fearless space travelers who might venture too close to the unforgiving Black Hole of Social Networks. Some of us may have already found our atoms placed end-to-end as we’ve been MySpaced, Friendstered, Facebooked, Twittered, Twined, and LinkedIn. Just remember, there is nothing new under the stars. Social NetworkingRead… Read more »

National Academy’s Collaboration Project: Top 3 Tech/Innovation Priorities for President Obama

President Obama has called for government to become more transparent, participatory, and collaborative. The National Academy’s Collaboration Project has issued a paper highlighting three priorities that the new President must focus on to make this vision a reality. The paper, Enabling Collaboration: Three Priorities for the New Administration, encourages the President to: Create an openRead… Read more »

The Hokie Guru! Matthew Stephen Worner – GovLoop Member of the Week

The interview below is with Matthew Stephen Worner (GovLoop’s Bureaucrat on Sports, the Hokie Guru). Matthew was one of the inaugural bloggers on GovLoop. My appreciation is great and sincere for Matthew taking the time to do this interview. Where were you born and raised? I’m from Mayville, North Dakota, which is about 60 minutesRead… Read more »

Citizen engagement/particicipation in government

I am in the early stages of researching case studies/best practices and lessons learned for our Intergovernmental Solutions newsletter on citizen engagement and participation. This issue of the newsletter will be published in early September. (we are currently finalizing an issue Transparency)Articles can be from any level of government including international. Articles and analysis comeRead… Read more »

When Will CustomerService.Gov Arrive?

I was reading this article on since the title caught my attention ( and realized my company was referenced…in case it interested anyone, here is the link to access the white paper mentioned in the article:

Capturing History Before it Disappears

Imaging the following scenario below being kept in a a file, in a basement, in a library forever, never seeing the light of day. Possibly of use to many, but untouchable to almost everyone. Would you keep it in that format as you have it? Keep it buried in a basement or an archive? Or,Read… Read more »

Your State Has a Great Website: So What?!

Originally posted at the GenerationShift blog. In preparation for a workshop that Ari Herzog and I will be facilitating on March 26 at the Advanced Learning Institute’s Social Media for Government Conference, I spent some time this afternoon reviewing a report by Darrell West of the Brookings Institution called “State and Federal Electronic Government inRead… Read more »

If I Don’t Know Who You Are, I Can’t Evaluate What You Say

I’m still thinking a lot about the culture of anonymity of the old Web, and what it means for the collaborative nature of 2.0. Lots of smart people at GovLoop chimed in, some agreeing strongly with my rant against anonymous comments, some telling me I was off base. It’s an important issue, so I askedRead… Read more »

SOA is Dead, Will it Become a Zombie?

I came to my own realization that SOA, as an industry term, was on its way out last summer. As a concept, it’s wonderful and some people have accomplished great things by following the SOA paradigm. I found it interesting that Anne Thomas Manes, an industry thought leader in SOA, would be presenting a “SOARead… Read more »

Federal CIOs and Social Media: Followup

I talked to the CIOs today at another agency. Very good discussion. I used many of the ideas people gave me here on GovLoop and on Twitter. And then I used that experience as an example when I was talking, of the concept that “everyone is smarter than anyone.” They asked some intelligent questions andRead… Read more »