“No One Patches A Light Bulb”

57% attendees at our webinar, Staying Secure and Connected: The Power of IoE, on Thursday said they didn’t know the different between the Internet of Things and the Internet of Everything. This isn’t surprising. I didn’t completely know the difference, but now I do. Our speakers Tom Millar, Chief of Communications at the US Computer EmergencyRead… Read more »

Can My Legacy System Chat With Your Legacy System?

“Let’s make this an obsolete question [of big data],” exclaimed Stephen Goldsmith, both a Daniel Paul Professor of the Practice of Government at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and Director of the Innovations of the American Government Program. Because honestly, why shouldn’t our legacy systems get to talk to one another? Frustrations chatted in theRead… Read more »

IoE: Big Data Is The Air We Breathe

Technology is, literally, the air we live and breathe. Data is now collected in every interaction, from traffic monitoring, to your water bill, to your sleep patterns, to your preferences at the grocery store. But what does this mean for government efficiency? All of this newly collectible big data provides the opportunity for government toRead… Read more »

The Hurdles to Success in Government

To kick off today’s Government Innovator’s Virtual Summit, we heard from Peter H. Schuck, author of Why Government Fails So Often: And How it Can Do Better and the Simeon E. Baldwin Professor Emeritus of Law at Yale Law School. He gave us a wake up call about why it is so important to keep learning and innovating in government.Read… Read more »

How to Revamp Your Next Webinar

Short. Practical. Engaging. How many times have you used these words to describe job training? For some, the answer is very few — or not at all. If that’s you, you’re not alone. We’ve all been subjected to the never-ending webinar or the marathon lecture, whether in school or as working professionals. You may or mayRead… Read more »

New Policies and Experiments for Gov Learning

Unsurprisingly, a number of learning professionals attended today’s GovLoop event, The Future of Learning in Government. Our closing keynote speaker, Sydney Smith-Heimbrock, PhD and Chief Learning Officer at OPM, started off by giving them high praise. “Learning professionals are my favorite people,” she said. “Why? Because you all live every day doing more with nothing.”Read… Read more »

GovLoop Academy

GovLoop Academy: Learn It All Online!

The world of online trainings is shifting quickly for government employees. The days of in-person events, conferences, and travel are disappearing. The Office of Personnel Management has been curtailing budgets for trainings, meaning that trainings will need to be moved online – saving the government money and time. Virtual training has the potential to rockRead… Read more »

Cybersecurity: No More Rumors

Hacks are no laughing matter. The U.S. government and the American population have lost billions of dollars as a result of IT system hacks. The threats come from all angles – insiders, thieves, terrorists, and your run-of-the-mill bad guys. Cybersecurity is not just a national issue – it’s a national battle. And it’s certainly beenRead… Read more »

Should You be Resting at the Seat of Information Technology?

Take a seat. With technology adapting both easily and quickly to an organization’s needs, what else would you need to achieve a business transformation? You don’t have to go that far to find the right implementation with technology front and center, and in today’s hybrid fashion, understanding the process for today and tomorrow is easyRead… Read more »