Search Results for: personal brand

Leadership: The Key to Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

Following is the text of a speech I delivered at the closing session of the 10th Southern Interdisciplinary Roundtable on African Studies (SIRAS) at Kentucky State University, Frankfort, KY, April 4, 2009. Africa is a continent of remarkable contrasts. On the one hand, it has some of the world’s richest deposits and collections of resourcesRead… Read more »

2.0 Opportunity Framework – A Model for Consultants

The following is a rough sketch of a framework I began developing months back attempting to explain and rationalize the different types of opportunities available to a consultant or consultancy in the “2.0” space. I thought I might subject it GovLoop’s collective critique both her and on my blog in the hopes of starting someRead… Read more »

“Sweet GovTweets” Coredump from Gov20camp (March 2009)

In progress. Currently timestamp is: 11:45 am on Friday. This tag will be updated as I continue to trawl through the tweets. I am trying to go through the main twitter stream in the event someone is interested in the (currently) 4661 tweets from gov20camp. I am also trying to arrange the sessions as bestRead… Read more »

The Social Media Subcouncil Asks: What’s in a Name?

When it comes to social media, how you position your brand goes a long way for conveying authenticity and trust. Social media naming conventions are equally important for government agencies as they are for celebrities, commercial entities, and other branded organizations. Prior to commencing activity in the social space, it’s important for government communicators toRead… Read more »

Forget the People, I’m Talking to the Building! — Who is the Voice in an Institutional Blog?

Back in grade school, one of the lessons was that “according to the White House” didn’t really mean that the White House was talking, it meant that someone who represented the White House was talking. OK. We were children, and we were being taught the nuances of the language. But, sometimes it seems as ifRead… Read more »

GovLoop Member of the Week – Mark Stelzner

Happy 2009! I’m with Mark Stelzner, the founder of Inflexion Advisors, Washington, D.C. My sincere thanks go to Mark for taking the time for this interview. Where are you from? I was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin but have spent time in California, Texas and Illinois throughout my adult life. I currently reside in Washington, DC.Read… Read more »

Propagating Citizen 2.0 – The intent of my blog is to increase the acceptance and practice of Web 2.0 concepts in governance. I believe in a basic libertarian ideal of self-determination, but also in a strong central government to provide security and a baseline standard of living and health. Underpinning my political philosophy is a raging populistRead… Read more »

Models of Leadership in a Crowdsourcing/Collaborative Environment.

This is the second of mini-series of three blog entries. In the first blog entry, I described Gov 2.0 as a world of “permeable boundaries”, characterized by crowdsourcing and collaboration, and described the challenges that created for leadership. In this blog entry I’ll look at some model organizations that are already working (and very effectively)Read… Read more »

Reinventing Public Service

I’ve previously made my case for the value of the word “bureaucrat” but it’s a tough battle. To appease the 50th complaint, I changed the profile question to “Who is your favorite public servant?” Which bring me to public service. A lot of talk has occurred recently on reenergizing public service. When I was inRead… Read more »