Search Results for: research

Research: Politics & Social Media, Gauging Response

Hey everyone, I’m currently conducting research at Bridgewater State University concerning how people might respond to the discreditation of their political perspective. For now I assume the position of a liberal blogger who mostly mocks and ridicules the Republican party, but come January I will have created a new identity who harshly critiques the DemocraticRead… Read more »

Fels Research and Consulting Works to Improve Economy

By Sam Williford, Associate Consultant While last week’s drop in unemployment was the first substantial good news for the economy in months (if not years), it underscores the work still that needs to be done to help the 12 million Americans unemployed as of last month. I have had the opportunity at Fels Research andRead… Read more »

LocalData, the Law, and User Research

Sometimes people ask what it’s like to be a Code for America Fellow and work on things like LocalData. By my expression, they quickly garner that it’s hard work. But as demonstrated by the tale of LocalData user research, it’s also exciting times. LocalData is a toolkit that helps groups collect place-based data. For example,Read… Read more »

Community Blog

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CTOvision Parent Crucial Point is Seeking Research Analysts

By BobGourley Crucial Point provides research and analysis via our CTOvision and CTOlabs outlets and via several informative community-focused newsletters. We also provide informative community-focused White Papers and support a wide range of clients with focused research. We write on a wide-range of technology concepts and capabilities including Big Data, Cloud Computing, Security, Mobility, BYODRead… Read more »

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Forgiveness Research

Stanford University has something very interesting called the Standford Forgiveness Projects, which as of 2010 was headed by Dr. Frederic Luskin. According to Dr. Luskin: Forgiveness has been shown to reduce anger, hurt, depression and stress and lead to greater feelings of optimism, hope, compassion and self confidence. Those who know me well know thatRead… Read more »

Virginia Center For Innovative Technology (CIT) Research Commercialization Fund Award Announcements

The Virginia Center For Innovative Technology (CIT) made an announcement today I would like to share with you. It is more proof of great innovation across the commonwealth. Congratulations to all awardees. We all look forward to tracking your progress. Today’s press release is below: CIT ANNOUNCES 2nd ROUND AWARDS OF THE FY2012 COMMONWEALTH RESEARCHRead… Read more »

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The Pentagon’s Cloud Strategy, Office of Naval Research Innovation, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Department of Homeland Security Inspector General reported that some Customs and Border Protection critical information technology systems are prone to periodic outages. More here. The Department of Defense released a four step cloud strategy that appoints the Defense Information Systems Agencyto oversee all cloud purchases.Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Open Government Data Conference: Research Should Drive All Open Data Initiatives

Monica Mayk Parham, Marketing Director, Market Connections, Inc. I’ve been attending the International Open Government Data Conference, sponsored by at the World Bank this week. We’ve seen quite a few advanced uses of open data in both domestic and international contexts. Kenya shared their open data initiative, which has steadily gained interest since itsRead… Read more »

YouTube Video Length-Research States Shorter is Better

From Marketing Charts.Com (Source below) “While 33% of the most-engaging YouTube campaigns run under 30 seconds, only 11% of campaigns by volume run that length, per findings from a Yesmail Interactive study[download page] released in June 2012. And although YouTube campaigns rose sharply over the 3-month study period – by about 38% to 80 acrossRead… Read more »

Google Penguin, Twitter, and Keyword Research

Trendspotter Interactive Marketing Article – by Fulcrum Marketing Group Google Penguin and SEO Google regularly updates and tweaks its algorithms in order to reduce spam and remove weak pages from the first page of its organic search results. Google’s latest update, Penguin, targets Black Hat SEO artists that use aggressive SEO techniques and over-spamming andRead… Read more »

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