Search Results for: Cloud

GovCloud: One Map, Anywhere, Anytime – Event Recap

On Thursday, November 8, Esri and GovLoop hosted a MeetUp to talk GovCloud and ArcGIS technology. As more and more people move their work into the cloud, security remains the number one priority for government agencies. But by teaming up with Amazon, Esri’s ArcGIS technology can be deployed in the Amazon Web Services GovCloud USRead… Read more »

Training – In Person

Filed under: Tech


Cloud and Change Management – Ajay Budhraja

Change management is important for Technology initiatives and since many Cloud services focus on rapid deployments, this area is sometimes forgotten. The move to Cloud has not only technology implications but also business implications. Business processes and operations can be encapsulated as services and delivered expeditiously. Change management for the Cloud should look into theRead… Read more »

Ethics and Values in Cloud Computing Architecture

By Kord Davis Cloud computing and data center infrastructure providers are realizing more and more what Dion Hinchcliffe pointed out to me months ago during an interview for Ethics of Big Data. Namely that the physical manifestation and configuration of their architecture can be viewed as a direct, real-world expression of their organizational values. WhatRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Big Data, Cloud and Data Explosion – Ajay Budhraja

I worked extensively in the telecommunications area to lead large nationwide mobile application and portal rollouts that included mobile platforms, applications, services and integration mechanisms. With the proliferation of smart phone and tablets, mobile devices and other sources are creating massive amounts of data and rendering new and innovative applications and services. Data that isRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Big Data and Cloud don’t have to be Big Problems – Ajay Budhraja

There is a data explosion occurring in the world. Data that is being created is not just transaction oriented and is not structured. Such data cannot be managed effectively with some data management systems since traditional systems cannot process such data.Data sets are being gathered from a variety of data sources and the volume, velocityRead… Read more »

Speakers at the 11th Cloud Expo: A curated list you can follow at TwitChimp

By BobGourley TwitChimp is a Twitter list management system we developed to help list curators build lists and help others gain knowledge from those lists. One of the great uses of this system is to build lists of conference speakers. This helps event attendees learn a bit about the speakers in advance (you can easilyRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

MIT Report Finds Cost Savings for Cloud Adoption by Small Businesses

Cloud computing has been one the main technology trends throughout the public and private sector in 2012. With dozens of agencies embracing cloud computing for improved efficiencies, the cloud has become one of the most critical tools for agencies to explore. The cloud offers the opportunity to cut costs, improve efficiencies and assist in improvedRead… Read more »

DoD and USN User Centric Cloud (UC2) Concepts: Providing Data To The Operational Commander

By BobGourley When I was on active duty, I had the privilege of working for ADM Willard while he was the Seventh Fleet Commander. One thing he constantly drummed into each of his warfighters was the concept of carefully and meticulously identifying the SUPPORTED Commander and the SUPPORTING assets for each task force. Because allRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

MeetUp to talk GovCloud

As more and more people move their work into the cloud, security remains the number one priority, and concern, for agencies. But now, Esri’s ArcGIS technology can be deployed in the Amazon Web Services GovCloud US Region. This means government agencies can take full advantage of the benefits of using ArcGIS in the cloud toRead… Read more »

Collaboration in the Cloud

Over the last few years, many government organizations have made the switch to the cloud, including GSA, the Department of Interior, the states of Maryland and Utah and cities of Orlando and Pittsburgh. One of the most recent organizations to transition to the cloud is the U.S Holocaust Museum, and they did it all inRead… Read more »