Search Results for: plain language

Emotion Reading Technology Matures

Image via CrunchBase “The system can tell that a man comes by a preschool every day at recess,” an executive at a video monitoring software firm once explained to me. “It can even tell that he’s smiling. But it can’t tell whether the smile is creepy or not,” meaning that current Video Content Analysis technology,Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Data visualisation and its power to tell stories

Data visualisations is the process of turning into graphics to make information easier to understand or correlate; however, it does far more than this. The data can be interpreted using various types of visual imagery dependant on the services being analysed. There are many ways it can be done. If it is information or address-basedRead… Read more »

What I’d love to see: Low cost 311 for emerging market cities

This is not a complicated post. Just a simple idea: Can we create Open311 API add-on for Ushahidi? So what do I mean by that, and why should we care? Many readers will be familiar with Ushahidi, non-profit that develops open source mapping software that enables users to collect and visualize data in interactive maps.Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Interesting elsewhere – 5 July 2011

Things which caught my eye elsewhere on the web Adrian Short » Blog Archive » Designing with the Delete key Getting rid of all the clutter on your website doesn’t require a great deal of design insight or technical skill. But it needs a lot of discipline. So once a day just delete something thatRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Are You a Project Manager or a Leader?

What is the difference between a project manager and a leader? Should there be a difference? Consider this: Not all leaders are project managers, but all project managers should be leaders. “Click here for the best self-development resources“ You can tell from the above statement that I believe a good project manager is also aRead… Read more »

No One’s Gonna Make You Do the Right Thing

I enjoyed Steve Radick’s blog post on Govloop about implementing the Plain Writing Act. Steve speculates that it will take years (actually, he says “decades) to implement the Act. He gives several reasons, and they’re all good. I’ve read a number of opinion pieces about the new CustomerService Executive Order, saying, “Yeah, yeah, yeah –Read… Read more »

Friday Fab Five: Silent Assassins, Esoteric Boxes, and How to Put the ‘Go’ in eGov

It’s that time of the week again. It’s the… Friday Fab 5! Happy Friday the 13th. Yes, it is that special day which we all secretly dread yet again, but I wouldn’t worry too much. Last I heard, reading the Friday Fab 5 is supposed to give a person extra luck on days like this.Read… Read more »

Bridging the Communication & Health Divide: RxCreative

If you’ve read my online bio, or follow my activity around the net, chances are good that you know how passionate I am about the issue of health literacy. This piece marks the start of a new series I’ve been invited to write on Pulse + Signal, called Bridging the Communication & Health Divide. TheRead… Read more »

10 Public & Private Sector Examples Government Can Leverage NOW to Address Customer Service

The Federal government performs several key functions for our nation. It defends our strategic interests in the world, it regulates critical industries and aspects of our economy, and it promotes progress of science by issuing patents, and makes rules for the regulation of land and naval forces. But, at the core of every agency’s missionRead… Read more »

Is It Time to Adopt Porfolio Budgeting?

What if the President and Congress made spending decisions based on what they wanted to achieve rather than on individual agencies and programs? That’s the premise of portfolio budgeting. Has its time arrived or is it still . . . A Pipe Dream? Maybe, but it is actually being done by other countries, such asRead… Read more »