Search Results for: Cloud

Not Cloud First, Cloud Now: Stand up and Fight for Citizens #gov20 #opengov #abouttime

Not Cloud First, Cloud Now #gov20 #opengov IDC recently released a study that resulted in interesting coverage from GigaOm. They found that the folks in government that could benefit most from cloud computing are actual those with the highest degree of resistance – local governments. States were not far behind. This release happens at theRead… Read more »

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YouTube record broken, new OpenStack clouds and more

By RyanKamauff Jumping from the edge of space set a new YouTube record (via Wired) Here are yesterday’s (oops!) top tech news and stories. When Felix Baumgarter jumped 120,000 miles above the earth, he also set a YouTube record for simultaneous views – the record setting jump was live posted on YouTube. The event wasRead… Read more »

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Cloud Front Group: Focuses On Integrated Technologies To Meet Mission Needs

By BobGourley Cloud Front Group was forged to provide game-changing analytical technologies to transform decision-making. The firm is building on years of deep mission understanding and architecture experience to bring the right solutions to bear on some of the nation’s hardest analytical challenges. Bob Gourley serves as the Cloud Front Group CTO to ensure everyRead… Read more »

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Cloud $ Confusion

It seems like never before has a technology platform brought so much confusion as the Cloud. No, I am not talking about the definition of cloud (which dogged many for quite some time), but the cost-savings or the elusiveness of them related to cloud computing. On one hand, we have the Federal Cloud Computing Strategy,Read… Read more »

Chris Gladwin, CEO of Cleversafe, Provides Context on Cloud Storage

By BobGourley Chris Gladwin of Cleversafe is one of the great teachers of technology. He is a CEO and a leader, but his ability to explain technology so clearly ranks him among the top communicators in my book. The video below features Chris in an interview discussing how Cleversafe is uniquely addressing the issues ofRead… Read more »

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Big Data, Mobility, Cloud – How do you chart a course through change?

2012 could be known as the year of big data, open data, cloud computing, cybersecurity or mobility. And those terms have only been around a few years. Talk about a changing workforce. So how do federal executives manage through all the change? How do you chart a course for the future? Ted Davies is theRead… Read more »

Wisdom of the Clouds at DHS Open Cybersecurity Summit Oct 18 in DC

In 2009 I received a phone call from the Policy Office at the Department of Homeland Security. At the time, I personally did not know a soul at DHS and have never envisioned I would be called upon to share best practices for government open source software projects with the federal government. But there itRead… Read more »

Cloudera On Twitter: Track the Cloudera team and gist their tweets with TwitChimp

By BobGourley Cloudera is the company that makes Apache Hadoop ready for enterprise use. They provide the free to use open source distribution called CDH (for Cloudera Distribution including Apache Hadoop). We built a list of Twitter accounts we believe to be associated with Cloudera, including their official account plus accounts of people who seemRead… Read more »

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Has Cloud Adoption Transformed Government IT?

Transforming IT in government involves strategic investments and assessing current opportunities. Microsoft states in a recent report, Cloud First: Federal IT Reform, “A number of agencies are sitting on undiscovered treasure in the form of underutilized software and services for support and training. For government IT, navigating budget cuts in this economy may actually presentRead… Read more »

DHS Looking Outside the Box for Hackers, Feds Warm Up to the Cloud, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: As many security experts suspected, the Apple device ID’s that Anonymous claimed came from a Federal Bureau of Investigation agent’s hacked laptop actually came from the hack of an application development company. More here. A new survey finds that although much of federal information technology hasRead… Read more »

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