Search Results for: plain language

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets – Open Government & Innovations Conference (#OGI) – Part 6

July 22, 2009 continued 9:00 am kayawalton: Shea: Acknowledge on-network (twitter etc) and off-network (site, RSS) communications #ogi 9:00 am USMSOffice: Identity Assurance & Privacy Panel: re info sharing- what if info is inaccurate? #ogi 9:01 am dlblack: FEMA use of social media is perfect example of mission first, tools to implement mission second #ogiRead… Read more »

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets – Open Government & Innovations Conference (#OGI) – Part 4

July 21, 2009 continued 12:00 pm topperge: As we go to real time services, also need real time security for security clearances, not a clipboard survey #OGI (via @paula_thrasher) 12:00 pm web20blog: Transparency as a way to bring about believe something david weinberger #ogi #gov20 12:00 pm csukach: Dr. David Weinberger speaking now #ogi 12:00Read… Read more »

Confronting Prejudicial Comments in the Workplace

The same day that the right wing terrorist invaded the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC and killed a security guard, my girl friend encountered a much more prosaic form of anti-Semitism. And while her experience was not in any way life-threatening, nonetheless her casual if not commonplace encounter merits documentation and its expression deserves confrontation.Read… Read more »

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets – Participation Camp (#pcamp09) Part 2

Participation Camp Twitter Stream: June 27, 2009 (continued) 4:00 pm Silona: If you are transparent about your strategy you can build the right kind of community to police itself! #pcamp09 remind me of talks w @jwales 4:00 pm sdohrn: RT @counti8: I feel @markelliott’s pain re: talking about strategy before talking about the tech withRead… Read more »

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets – Social Media Strategies for DoD and Government (#idga)

Social Media Strategies for DoD and Government held June 23-25, 2009 at the Hilton McClean Tyson’s Corner (IDGA = Institute for Defense and Government Advancement) Here are the Twitter-related stats for this conference followed by the Twitter stream: * 765 tweets * 49 contributors * 109.3 tweets per day * 86.8% come from “The TopRead… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 06.23.2009

Good evening, I have been working on this summary on and off all day …can we say l.o.q.u.a.c.i.o.u.s.? I had to cut out the posts that were Word – For – Word tweets of conferences. I believe Pam is going to look at posting these; but as for Sweet GovTweets …if you are posting 60Read… Read more »

Sweet Government Conference Tweets – Crisis Camp Day 2 & Beyond (#crisiscamp)

(All times are Pacific) June 14, 2009 12:49 am younghahn: #crisiscamp 3:27 am xpeditenetwork: Ready for day two of #crisiscamp. No disaster is too great for us (unless we run out of coffee) 5:27 am svenburg: @vladvino thanks Vlad! Camping day # 2 today. #crisiscamp 6:03 am kgfreeman: Running late to #crisiscamp, but because theRead… Read more »

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets – Blog Potomac Part 5 (final) (#blogpotomac)

12:00 pm matterhornpat: was fun to watch @netsolcares super bowl coup #blogpotomac 12:00 pm amandachapel: #BLOGPOTOMAC UPDATE via @AlbrightDC “Drinking in the afternoon. Quite the unconference. They even have Magic Hat.” (Ya can’t make this up.) 12:00 pm maggielmcg: @DeirdreReid I was supposed to go but mom guilt won out. I’m glad I went toRead… Read more »

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets – Blog Potomac Part 1 (#blogpotomac)

BlogPotomac was a social media marketing event which took place June 12, 2009, in Falls Church, VA. This conference was trending on Twitter through a good portion of the day. Only the Tweets from the day of the conference are posted below. (The posts also had to be split into more than one blog postRead… Read more »

KnowItAll_Tweets 06.08.09

Good morning, I will continue trying to eliminate all of the RT’s and re-posts. If I miss some, please forgive me. Caroline Jerry_Bio: @govloop Department of the Army allows access to Facebook & Twitter from BEHIND .mil firewalls. Still no access to govloop #govloop #gov20 21 minutes ago from HootSuite • Reply • View TweetRead… Read more »