Search Results for: Cloud

When Chuck Norris Gets Cloud-Mobile

At first glance, cloud computing may seem to be distinct from the austere world of special operations forces (SOF). But Special Operations Technology‘s Eric Marks has a very interesting piece on how SOF can use the cloud to gain the tactical advantage. Some highlights: Cloud to the edge tactical mobile computing, which would feature theRead… Read more »

Let’s Take a Look at this Cloud Thing Again

With all the hype and hoopla about the cloud, we sometimes forget that small businesses need the same type of tools needed by the large enterprises. We need it on a much smaller scale, but we still need it. After many years in the mines of the large companies I came to realize that theyRead… Read more »

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Intelligently Adapt with CloudShield

<script type=”text/javascript”> /* <![CDATA[ */ nRelate.domain = “”; /* */ nRelate.getNrelatePosts(“;=Intelligently+Adapt+with+CloudShield&domain;;;_ad_number=0&nr;_div_number=1”); nRelate.fixHeight(“nrelate_related_1”);nRelate.adAnimation(“nrelate_related_1”);nRelate.tracking(“rc”); > Original post

Intelligently Adapt with CloudShield

As the high profile breaches and cyberattacks of this past year clearly illustrate, enterprise security still has to catch up to growing and evolving threats such as persistent targeted attacks by criminals and state-sponsored attacks or espionage. Though the government and private sector continue to take steps to protect their networks, unfortunately attackers also aren’tRead… Read more »

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If You Use Hadoop You Have Been Waiting For This: Cloudera Enterprise 3.7

Editor’s Note: We were treated to demos of Cloudera Enterprise 3.7 at Hadoop World, and it really blew us away with its functionality for total lifecycle management of Hadoop Clusters. That lifecycle management includes planning, creation of clusters, management of their health, control of access, logging/auditing and many other tools, all put together in aRead… Read more »

A Future in the Clouds

Originally posted on Iron Bow TechSource Blog. By Lee Koepping, Client Computing Practice Director, Iron Bow Technologies In his first major policy speech, the new Federal CIO, Steven VanRoekel, announced that he’s going to build on his predecessor’s “cloud first” initiative and expand it in significant ways. “Future First,” as VanRoekel dubbed it, envisions aRead… Read more »

Spotlight on American Education Week: Guardians of the cloud – higher education edition

Deltek Analyst Derek Johnson reports. Earlier this year, I wrote about the massive market opportunity for vendors leveraging cloud computing technologies. The potential for cost savings, scalability and storage alone is such that within 5-10 years, the cloud is likely to be a standard feature of most government IT infrastructures. In addition, the 2008 recessionRead… Read more »

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The Clean and Lean Cloud: An Infographic

Lots of people and organizations are moving to cloud computing. That means this is a huge opportunity to “green” our computing. Thanks to for this infographic! Original post

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Shared Services Canada – The case for Enterprise Cloud Computing

Transform! Migrating to Shared Service Cloud Computing – Webinar Canadian Federal Government recently announced plans to create a single IT department ‘Shared Services’ that will save $100-200m a year through consolidation-driven efficiencies. Our webinar will: Introduce ‘Enterprise Cloud Computing’ Explain how it is applied in Government Specifically how it can be utilized to achieve theseRead… Read more »