Search Results for: Cloud

Public & private sector orgs work on interoperability standards for cloud

Two cloud computing groups are coming together to create industry standards for managing cloud computing environments. The Open Data Center Alliance (ODCA) and the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) are joining forces to focus on interoperability and simplified cloud management. The partnership is working to create interoperable management of virtual machines spread across several dataRead… Read more »

Myths and realities of cloud security

Whenever the topic of cloud computing comes up, cloud security isn’t far behind. Survey after survey has shown it to be a top CIO concern, but how much of that concern is legitimate? CTOvision’s Bob Gourley and Tom Reilly, Vice President and General Manger of Enterprise Security at HP separated myth from reality on cloudRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Head in the Cloud? So are Some States…almost!

The Sacramento GovUp last week was no different than all the other GovUp‘s GovLoop has hosted; full of great ideas, an eager movement forward and an opportunity to network with people at all levels of government. Scott Gregory, California’s newest Geographic Information Officer, brought many great ideas to the table that are both aggressive andRead… Read more »

Cloudera and SGI Partner: With new benchmarks and better mission support the result

During the recent GEOINT conference I spoke with SGI and Cloudera about the meaning of their recent announcement. They just announced a strategic agreement where SGI will ship Cloudera’s Distribution Including Apache Hadoop (CDH) and Cloudera Enterprise Management Suite factory installed on SGI Hadoop Clusters. Although this is good news for both companies there isRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: GAO Says the Cloud Computing Contract Needs to Change

The General Services Administration (GSA) thought the battle between Microsoft and Google for the cloud computing contract was solved last Monday favoring Microsoft. However, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) brought several issues to light that may prove that the battle will continue. The contract could have several positive outcomes, if executed correctly. It would allowRead… Read more »

To Know the Cloud Is to Embrace the Cloud– Survey of Gov’t IT Professionals

My firm, Bluetext, just released a survey of government IT professionals that found, perhaps to no one’s surprise, that those most familiar with cloud services recognize that they can gain efficiencies and realize cost savings by moving to the cloud. What’s more interesting, however, is the perceived lack of support by managers and leaders forRead… Read more »

The “Big Five” IT trends of the next half decade: Mobile, social, cloud, consumerization, and big data

Editor’s Note: The highly regarded enterprise IT thought leader Dion Hinchcliffe has produced yet another “must read” piece for enterprise technologists titled “The “Big Five” IT trends of the next half decade: Mobile, social, cloud, consumerization, and big data.” This is classic Dion, with compelling logic, great context, and a tremendous graphic that helps putRead… Read more »

What is “The Cloud”

You almost can’t go a day without hearing something about “The Cloud”. Yet, according to a recent survey by the NPD Group, only 22% of U.S. Consumers are familiar with the term “Cloud Computing”. So I thought I’d take this opportunity to, pardon the expression, clear the air. The Internet has come a long wayRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Houses and clouds

The Government Digital Service blog is essential reading. Two recent posts well worth a look: What is that beautiful house? The phrase “not a CMS” has become a bit of a joke around the GovUK office (to the point where more than a few people were humming Once In A Lifetime), but it’s a keyRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


GovLaunch: Ten Federal Cloud Computing Breakthroughs

To keep up-to-date, cut costs, and eliminate the need for extra equipment, the U.S. Government should increase its efforts to introduce more cloud computing across agencies. I think that the sharing of resources would cut down on government spending, while also enhancing the productivity of many workers. Over at, this article speaks about DavidRead… Read more »