Search Results for: Cloud

GovLoop Training: Open Source Thinking in the Cloud

Thanks to those that attended the August 11th training session – How to Incorporate Open Source Thinking to Cloud Computing. For those that did not attend, it’s not too late, so register here. Below please find a link to the following: 1. A copy of the slide deck . 2. Your training certificate We hopeRead… Read more »

What is the correct definition of “The Cloud”?

My colleague, Glenn Gibson wrote this interesting post on “the cloud”….. In my last blog post, “What’s Wrong With Today’s Definitions of The Cloud,” I discussed why I believe the term “Cloud” is so confusing to the average person. And it’s not getting any easier. Not only are we hearing about the Cloud around theRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


Calling Government IT: Cloud Trends – Contribute to the Conversation!

Government IT Professionals – we want to hear from you! Contribute to a report on the government’s use of cloud-based applications and help shed light on the importance of this technological shift. Reports abound on the private sector’s trend to move business applications to the cloud in an effort to reduce expenditures and improve operationalRead… Read more »

How to Incorporate Open Source Thinking into Cloud Computing – GL Training – 8/11

Sign up for our free monthly online training on 8/11 at 2pm EST – This month’s topic is “How to Incorporate Open Source Thinking into Cloud Computing” – presented by Red Hat – make sure to RSVP********************************************************************************************************************* Every conference I go to there seems to be whole sessions devote to cloud computing and whole separateRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: GSA Is In The Cloud

This week’s Project of the Week is brought to you by one of GovLoop’s 2011 Major Partners, Google. As the year continues they will be present on GovLoop to help answer any questions you have within the Google for Gov group right here on GovLoop. Dr. GovLoop recently corresponded with Google and what all theyRead… Read more »

GovLaunch: CDC moves BioSense program to Cloud to Increase Collaboration

Government Executive reported today that the Center for Disease Control’s BioSense Program will be moving to the cloud. Officials believe that the move to the cloud will increase collaboration and save the agency money. The BioSense Program was created in 2002 to provide early detection of illness and outbreaks of disease that could be anRead… Read more »

How Dirty is Your Data? Greenpeace Wants the Cloud to be Greener

My friends over at Greenpeace recently published an interesting report entitled “How dirty is your data? A Look at the Energy Choices That Power Cloud Computing.” For those who think that cloud computing is an environmentally friendly business, let’s just say… it’s not without its problems. What’s most interesting is the huge opportunity the cloudRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Guardians of the cloud

Deltek Analyst Derek Johnson reports. Cloud computing applications and solutions continue to be one of the hottest trends in the public and private sector today. This should come as no surprise to anyone who has paid even marginal attention to the government contracting market over the past two years. Going to the cloud is oftenRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


GovBytes: GSA Completes Move to the Cloud

Yesterday, GSA finished migrating all 17,000 of their employees to cloud-based email. The federal agency is the first to make the switch to Google-powered email. The move is expected to cut IT costs and increase productivity for agency employees, according to Government Technology. Martha N. Johnson, administrator of GSA, said going to the cloud willRead… Read more »

TechAmerica: Gov Should Move to the Cloud

Today, the TechAmerica Foundation released its report, Commission on the Leadership Opportunity in U.S. Deployment of the Cloud. It is a guide for the Obama Administration on “how government should deploy cloud technologies and for public policies that will help drive U.S. innovation in the cloud.” This continues a series of pushes for government toRead… Read more »