Search Results for: Cloud

It’s Cloudy in L.A. (#g2s)

Tim O’Reilly brought two folks to the Gov 2.0 Summit stage this morning: Randi Levin, CTO for the city of Los Angeles, CA and Dave Girouard of Google. L.A. is halfway through a migration for their city-wide email system, moving from Novell Groupwise to Google Apps and Randi estimates an eventual savings of $5M overRead… Read more »

Podcast: SaaS Before the Cloud Was Cool – Rob Hoehn of IdeaScale

Listen to internet radio with Gov20Radio on Blog Talk Radio Join Gov 2.0 Radio producer Adriel Hampton for a conversation with IdeaScale co-founder Rob Hoehn. In the fourth of our series on crowdsourcing, innovation and ideation in the government and enterprise, Rob talks about how business clients are learning from the government, being SaaS beforeRead… Read more »

Cloud Computing: Practical Steps

Want to learn how to manage and grow your IT infrastructure without having to buy another server? There is useful little article floating around the web, titled Practical Steps for Building and Managing an Internal Cloud, by one of our network managers, Stephen Dalgar, and our Director of Product Marketing, Marina Gil-Santamaria. By now we’veRead… Read more »

GCN: Exploit the cloud, but save your data

One of the big concerns government agencies have about cloud computing is the idea of their data being stored in the cloud, under the control of a third party. The Indiana Department of Natural Resources has avoided that situation with a cloud platform that makes information and records available for search online without giving upRead… Read more »

CivSource: Gov apps get boost with cloud-based data publishing tool

A Florida health agency and a Texas-based Community College are both utilizing a simple and cost effective cloud-based solution to help them expand services, increase performance and better serve their constituents. Opening access to information, while reducing response time and personnel overhead, sits at the core of both their strategies.

Considering “the Cloud” – Asking the right questions and looking for the right answers

I recently saw a blog post from Jim Townsend (President of InfoStrat) which did a fantastic job of articulating some of the concerns around cloud computing in the public sector. This is a topic that has been and will continue to be widely debated within and outside of government IT. Rather than pose a numberRead… Read more »

Cloud Computing–How High Should Government Fly?

The information technology industry has fallen head over heels when it comes to cloud computing. Many analysts have weighed in on the inevitability of shutting down your outdated server room and shifting to services that are hosted on the Internet at a remote data center. It’s hard to argue against the cloud computing trend, especiallyRead… Read more »

The cloud in government?

Recent discussion about the cloud and Software as a Service (SaaS) brought me back nearly a decade to a time when, as an IT director, I stood in the way of just such a proposal for government software…as a service. My state had selected a vendor. Their task: produce a portal website and provide farRead… Read more »

NGA Exploring “Community Cloud” With NCOIC

The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) is looking to leverage industry expertise through collaboration with the Network Centic Operations Industry Consortium (NCOIC). NGA provides timely, relevant and accurate geospatial intelligence in support of national security objectives. NCOIC’s mission is to facilitate global realization of the benefit inherent in Network Centric Operations. To that end, they seekRead… Read more »

NCOIC Analyses Cloud Computing With SCOPE

Last week, the Network Centric Operations Consortium (NCOIC) Cloud Computing Working Group (CCWG) started it’s work on cloud interoperability in earnest. The first step in their process is the completion of a Systems, Capabilities, Operations, Programs and Enterprises (SCOPE) model. As an analysis tool, SCOPE is used to characterize interoperability-relevant aspects of a system orRead… Read more »