Search Results for: Cloud

Vivek Kundra – State of Public Sector Cloud Computing

Last week Federal Chief Information Officer Vivek Kundra release his report on the “State of Public Sector Cloud Computing”. The report not only details Federal budget guidance issued to agencies to foster the adoption of cloud computing, but it also describes 30 illustrative case studies at the Federal, state and local government level. As statedRead… Read more »

DoD, NASA and GSA Address Secure Cloud Computing

On Thursday, May 26th, the Federal Executive Forum featured three important Federal cloud computing leaders: David McClure- Associate Administrator, GSA Office of Citizen Services and Communications Col. Kevin Foster- Office of the Secretary of Defense Chris Kemp- CTO, NASA Ames The one hour program discussed: – Key Initiatives & Progress Made in Cloud Computing –Read… Read more »

Cloud Computing Day at DoDIIS

I’m declaring Monday, May 24th, as Cloud Computing Day at DoDIIS. Lieutenant General Richard Zahner, Army Deputy Chief of Staff, G2, seemed to get things going with his video that highlighted the future Army’s dependence on “cloud nodes”. I also enjoyed the keynote by EMC Corporation Board Chairman, President and CEO Joseph Tucci’s “A NewRead… Read more »

Untethered: Work, and Life, in the Cloud

This weekend, I got the chance to meet a longtime online friend face-to-face following his trip to a local Google conference. Alan Pruitt, who I met a few years back on a LinkedIn group for private investigators, is a licensed PI out of Yuma, AZ, doing due diligence backgrounds for major employers, and he alsoRead… Read more »

Fonts in the Cloud, Oh My!

Today, Google launched their new Google Fonts Directory. This directory provides websites with a list of free fonts that are hosted “in the cloud” and downloaded to the browser as the page loads. These aren’t just ordinary fonts like Verdana, but more of what you would call custom fonts. Right now the list is small,Read… Read more »

Free O’Reilly Webcast May 19: Cloud Computing and Security: Can’t We all Just Get Along?

Security is considered the primary barrier to cloud computing adoption. Therefore, focusing attention toward minimizing security risks offers the potential for increasing cloud computing adoption. This free one-hour webcast from HyperStratus CEO Bernard Golden will offer a framework to analyze security issues, and present a set of best practices toward implementing security in cloud-based applications.Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

A government agency heads for the clouds

Happy Friday! The folks keeping tabs on the economic stimulus program took a big technological step recently by moving the government’s popular stimulus-tracking Web site to “the cloud.” “Cloud computing” allows data and software to be stored in remote data centers rather than on-site servers, providing significant savings to an organization’s capital costs and environmentalRead… Read more »

Cloud Computing and Virtualization Aren’t What you Think

Today I had the opportunity to listen to a discussion about cloud computing and virtualization of IT services: “The Future of Enterprise IT Architecture” with representatives from Cisco, VMware, and Barquin. Now most non-IT government workers, like myself, probably would think, “Why in the world would you subject yourself to something like that?” But fortunatelyRead… Read more »

Success Stories of the Cloud in Action

Live blogging from Cloud Computing Summit… Session – Success Stories of the Cloud in Action Draw the lines on cloud-what goes into it. not mission critical systems Nebula – NASA-Research class cloud-Looking to solve problems in the future-How cheap storage is-Everything in platform is open source and releasing it Customer and public facing information inRead… Read more »

Open Group Publishes Guidlines on Cloud Computing ROI

In an important industry contribution, The Open Group has published a white paper on how to build and measure cloud computing return on investment (ROI). Produced by the Cloud Business Artifacts (CBA) project of The Open Group Cloud Computing Work Group, the document: Introduces the main factors affecting ROI from Cloud Computing, and compares theRead… Read more »