Search Results for: Cloud

Vivek Kundra Steps Up to Cloud Computing’s Next Challenge

” [C]loud customers must be able to easily store, access, and process data across multiple clouds; weave together a mesh of different services to meet their needs; and have a way to collaborate with business partners around the globe. Federated clouds – networks of interoperable clouds that work together – will give rise to serviceRead… Read more »

High Availability Cloud is NOT the Answer

Cloud Computing providers, including the private sector and fee-for service public sector, are providing Government-specific infrastructure and platforms and are beginning to differentiate their services by providing pricing tiers proportional to availability SLAs. This trend appears to exploit the concept that mission-critical applications to be migrated to the Cloud have not properly considered Disaster RecoveryRead… Read more »

Tips for Keeping Cloud Computing Compliant

Transworld Data CEO Mary Shacklett points out that getting IT involved in the beginning – before service contracts with the provider are signed – allows the IT team to help ensure all the technical bases are covered from the onset.

Say it in a Word Cloud! Visualizing Large Documents

What does the Defense Information Systems Agency Campaign Plan say about DISA? The surface of the ocean may seem static with only the ripples of waves on its surface, but underneath it is teeming with life and large currents acting like enormous rivers circulating and pulsing throughout. If our ocean was in the form ofRead… Read more »

NCOIC Discusses e-Discovery and Cloud Computing

Last week during its weekly meeting, the NCOIC Cloud Computing Working Group (CCWG) examined some of the legal aspects surrounding electronically stored information. With government use of cloud computing expected to grow, the group reach out to Mr. Jason R. Baron, Director of Litigation for the United States National Archives and Records Administration for someRead… Read more »

Rulers of the Cloud: Will Cloud Computing Be the Second Coming of Cisco?

Cisco is betting heavily on the network as the platform. We took a look at the role of the network in the emerging landscape of cloud computing as part one of analysis of “Will One Company be Dominant in Cloud Computing“. We started with Cisco, since the cloud implies the network to float upon.Cloud ComputingRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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A Historical Vision of the Computation in Cloud!

Hello to All! Historize: the Science that studies the past to organize the present and to prepare the Future. I was thinking on the decade of 90, when I worked for a company that wanted to store your information in digital media and it was not willing to invest in the purchase of computer scienceRead… Read more »

Overcoming Challenges in Public Sector Cloud Computing

Interesting article. This is part 1 in a series on “Overcoming Challenges in Public Sector Cloud Computing”. This article deals specifically with clarifying the vernacular used when describing cloud computing and related solutions. Let me know your thoughts?

“Shaping Government Clouds” Just Released

As part of the On The Frontlines series, Trezza Media Group has just released it latest on-line electronic magazine. “Shaping Government Clouds” includes: Pete Tseronis, Chairman of the Federal Cloud Advisory Council, shares his thoughts on how to embrace clud computing possibilities; US Army Major Larry Dillard explains how the Army Experience Center used theRead… Read more »

“Best of Cloud Musings” – DHS EAGLE & First Source Digital Guide Launched

(First published 7/17/09) The Enterprise Acquisition Gateway for Leading Edge Solutions (EAGLE) is a multiple-award indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract vehicle, specifically designed as the preferred source of information technology (IT) services for the majority of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) enterprise infrastructure and initiatives. According to Soraya Correa, Director of the DHS OfficeRead… Read more »