Search Results for: Cloud

“Best of Cloud Musings” – Expanding Maneuver Warfare in IT

(Originally published 6/12/09) Earlier this week I published “Cloud Computing: The Dawn of Maneuver Warfare in IT Security” via Ulitzer. In publishing the article my intent was to explore the more dynamic approach to information security offered by cloud computing. Although the conversation continues in earnest, today I would like to highlight Ben’s thoughts fromRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Challenge to Put Your Desktop Into the Cloud in Support of the Open Government Directive and

My suggestion for a “silo busting and brilliant innovation in 2010” is to put your desktop into the cloud in support of the Open Government Directive and For more details see the following: and the recent press at:

FOSE to Feature CloudCamp and Cloud Computing Pavilion in 2010

Building on Successes of 2009, Cloud Sessions Will Provide Educational Opportunities and Promote Collaboration FALLS CHURCH, Va. – December 9, 2009 – FOSE 2010, the most comprehensive event for government information technology (IT) professionals, today announced that it will be featuring its second annual CloudCamp and Cloud Computing Pavilion at FOSE. FOSE will be heldRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


Uncle Sam’s $24 Million Cloud App

Posted by John Foley on November 17, 2009 09:11 AM in Information Week The U.S. government’s cloud computing portal,, may be a breakthrough in fast, efficient, and transparent IT acquisition, but that doesn’t mean it’s cheap. Witness the multimillion-dollar software modules available to government agencies on the site. was unveiled by Federal CIORead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Cloud Computing Conference & Expo

Cloud Computing 2010: Focus on Operational Efficiency and Security The Administration is taking an increased interest in the federal government’s move to cloud computing as a potential solution to capacity and complexity challenges as well as reducing IT maintenance costs. More attention must be paid to areas where the government has successfully implemented cloud solutionsRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Practical Techniques for Securing your Cloud Environment

Dan Smith, Govplace Director of Professional Services, will be presenting “Practical Techniques for Securing your Cloud Environment” at the 1105 Government Information Group Security Conference on Thursday, November 12 at the Ronald Reagan Building in DC. With all of the talk about the potential of cloud computing it is good to get some insight intoRead… Read more »

Mashups, SOA and Cloud Computing

It’s almost impossible to be around technology people for very long before one of them uses the words “Mashup,” “SOA” or “Cloud Computing.” When this happens to me, I usually smile and spend at least some of the time wondering why the audio portion of my brain disconnected again. Maybe it’s distracted by my visualRead… Read more »

Cloud Standards Wiki

Welcome to the Wiki site for Cloud Standards Coordination. The goal of this wiki is to document the activities of the various SDOs working on Cloud standards. Welcome to the Cloud Standards Wiki

OpenNASA v2.0: An OpenSource/OpenSocial portal for the Federal Community Cloud

Here is a link to my slideshare presentation: It would be quite wonderful to partner with other Federal Agencies to build a suite of opensocial portals, i.e., OpenNASA, OpenEPA, OpenDHS, OpenNIH, etc. Come find me on GovLoop if you’re interested in seeing a demo or getting an overview of our work in progress… SeeRead… Read more »

Open Source Software Testing Tools to Test Cloud Computing Applications

New Open Source Testing Tools are emerging that will deploy, manage and test the latest Cloud Computing Software applications. With its dynamic scalablity, flexibility and virtualized resources are provided as a service, Cloud Computing is seen as the dawn of a new era for application services and has received its fair share of plaudits. WithRead… Read more »