Search Results for: Cloud

Federal Eye: More Storm Clouds for FAA and Weather Service?

By Ed O’Keefe and Steve Vogel The National Weather Service today finally got around to delivering those long-anticipated recommendations on changing the FAA’s use of government meteorologists at its Air Route Traffic Control Centers. The basic plan calls for downsizing the 20 National Weather Service Center Weather Service Units (or CWSUs for short), to justRead… Read more »

Cloud Computing as a Strategic Asset

(Previously published on “Cloud Musings“) For some reason, this week seems to have more in it than most. While the steady stream of briefing request seem to be increasing, the post briefing discussions also seem to be much more intense. The cloud computing education phase seems to also be morphing into a cloud computing implementationRead… Read more »

Federal Cloud Computing Heating Up !

(Previously published on “Cloud Musings“) As fellow blogger Reuven Cohen mentions in his post, Federal cloud computing is indeed heating up: Vivek Kundra held a US Federal Government Cloud Computing Summit yesterday The Federal CIO Council is officially studying effective uses of cloud computing According to Network World, an INPUT study places Federal spend onRead… Read more »

President Obama’s 2010 Budget Highlights Cloud Computing

President Obama’s 2010 Budget (pp. 157-158) has highlighted cloud computing as a key tool for improving innovation, efficiency and effectiveness in Federal IT. ” Cloud-computing is a convenient, on-demand model for network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released withRead… Read more »

NDU (IRM) and DoD CIO (NII) Co-Hosting Cloud Computing and Cyber Security Symposia

I’m proud to announce two important coming events. The Information Resources Management (IRM) College and the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Networks and Information Integration)/DOD CIO are co-hosting a symposia on cloud computing at the college’s campus on Fort Lesley J. McNair Washington DC waterfront), Wednesday, July 15, 2009. The event is openRead… Read more »

Moving into the cloud?

With the weekend’s hiccup in the IBM-Sun merger taking over this morning’s news, I thought it would be interesting to take a look at this article in last week’s Economist about IBM’s so-called “Open Cloud Manifesto” (basically, an appeal to industry to make cloud computing components work together around common standards). Both IBM and SunRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Role of cloud computing, web 2.0, and web 3.0 semantic technologies in an era of transparent, collaborative, connected governance?

Brand Niemann (EPA) and I recently organized a a one-day conference / workshop held in Washington, DC on February 17, 2009 on the role of information and communication technologies in an era of connected governance. This wiki page contains the program and all proceedings including presentations, videos, and handouts from the event: From E-Gov toRead… Read more »

Cybersecurity Trends: Executive Implications for Government

Emerging cybersecurity trends present significant challenges for government executives, requiring proactive measures and strategic leadership to protect sensitive information and ensure the resilience of government operations.