
Please Respond to Survey on Social Media for Recruiting

The Partnership for Public Service and the Office of Personnel Management jointly sponsor the annual Effective Hiring Workshop series, which consists of 5 workshops a year on a variety of topics. We are planning one of these workshops (to be held in September 2009) to focus on federal agencies’ use of social media for recruiting.

For some agencies, the use of social media is a new, untried idea; others have started using these techniques to reach out to potential candidates for federal jobs and student programs. The purpose of the workshop is to enable agencies to learn from each other the pros and cons, barriers and opportunities, and best practices about use of these new communication techniques.

To properly plan this workshop, we need to know more about who is using social media and for what purposes, and what aspects of using social media are of greatest interest. Hence, this questionnaire, which will help us determine what areas should be covered. It should only take about 5 minutes to answer. Please click here to complete the survey:

Even if you do not know the answers to all of the questions, please answer those you can and submit the survey. Also, please feel free to forward the survey to others in your agency who may have experience with or questions about using social media for recruiting purposes. We need your input to structure this workshop well.

If you have questions, please contact Sally Jaggar at or 202-775-6886.

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