
Regional Models of Cooperation (Bios)

Kevin Adderly, FHWA Office of Human Environment (
My name is Kevin Adderly and I am Transportation Specialist in the Office of Human Environment on the National Systems and Economic Development Team at FHWA.  My primary responsibilities are coordinating the Interstate designation requests across the continental United States and supporting research on highways impacts on economic development.  I will be assisting the Regional Models of Cooperation EDC3 Initiative and hope to gain insights on how to best help the team.

Yvonne Arens, Florida DOT (
I am Yvonne Arens, Public Transportation Manager for the Florida Department of Transportation. I have been in a few roles in the FDOT over the past 15 years.  As a newcomer to this initiative I desire to learn everything I can from this program.  We are always looking for innovative ways to do business here in Florida. 

Elisa Arias, San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) (
Hello – My name is Elisa Arias and I am a Principal Regional Planner at SANDAG (San Diego Association of Governments), the Metropolitan Planning Organization for the San Diego region.

Avital Barnea, FTA Office of Planning and Environment (

Brian Betlyon, FHWA Resource Center (

Wesley  Blount, FHWA Office of Human Environment (

Fred Bowers, FHWA Office of Planning (

Ken Cervenka, FTA Office of Planning and Environment (

Sharon Chan Edmiston, Volpe Center (

Dave Harris, FHWA Office of Planning (

Jocelyn Jones, FHWA Resource Center (
I”m Jocelyn Jones with the FHWA Resource Center’s Planning Team. I have 20 years of transportation planning experience, including working at the Baltimore MPO and a small transit agency.  My current focus areas are freight movement, public involvement and environmental justice.  I’m also on the EDC3 team for Regional Models of Cooperation.  I hope to learn tools to support the EDC3 effort.

Jody McCullough, FHWA Office of Planning (

Lisa Randall, FHWA Resource Center (

Gina Solman, Volpe Center (

Spencer Stevens, Headquarters (
I’m Spencer Stevens – Transportation Planner in FHWA’s Office of Planning Oversight and Stewardship Team.  I coordinated FHWA’s EDC1 Planning and Environmental Linkage (PEL) efforts and am involved in our EDC3 Multi-jurisdictional Coordination/Models of Regional Cooperation Planning efforts.

Monica Worth, LEIDOS (

Tigist Zegeye, Wilmington Area Planning Council (WILMAPCO) (

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