Issues like air pollution and traffic congestion do not stop at State DOT or metropolitan planning organization (MPO) boundaries; however, planning often does. Planning in jurisdictional silos often interferes with essential coordination of regional transportation planning solutions, which can lead to project delays, process inconsistencies, and reduced freight reliability. Strengthening the world economy requires thinking beyond traditional borders and exploiting the competitive advantage that regional planning provides. Regional planning has the ability to spur economic development, improve freight movement, reduce traffic congestion, and support health and quality of life.
Multi-jurisdictional transportation planning within a regional context brings together many entities to support common goals related to planning, project delivery, congestion management, safety, freight, livability, and commerce. This innovation provides a framework and process for State DOTs and MPOs to develop agreements across agency boundaries that produce effective communication resulting in mutual benefits. Multi-jurisdictional planning improves collaboration, policy implementation, technology improvements, and performance management, and it provides a process for implementing an effective planning practice across wide geographic areas.
Implementation Team
- Kevin Adderly, FHWA Office of Human Environment ([email protected])
- Yvonne Arens, Florida DOT ([email protected])
- Elisa Arias, San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) ([email protected])
- Avital Barnea, FTA Office of Planning and Environment ([email protected])
- Brian Betlyon, FHWA Resource Center ([email protected])
- Wesley Blount, FHWA Office of Human Environment ([email protected])
- Fred Bowers, FHWA Office of Planning ([email protected])
- Ken Cervenka, FTA Office of Planning and Environment ([email protected])
- Sharon Chan Edmiston, Volpe Center ([email protected])
- Dave Harris, FHWA Office of Planning ([email protected])
- Jocelyn Jones, FHWA Resource Center ([email protected])
- Jody McCullough, FHWA Office of Planning ([email protected])
- Lisa Randall, FHWA Resource Center ([email protected])
- Gina Solman, Volpe Center ([email protected])
- Steven Spencer, Headquarters ([email protected])
- Monica Worth, LEIDOS ([email protected])
- Tigist Zegeye, Wilmington Area Planning Council (WILMAPCO) ([email protected])

Implementation Plan: Working Draft

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