GovLoop has partnered with RightNow to produce a variety of resources to help you and your organization excel in customer service. Excelling in customer service is no easy task, and with resources like the GovLoop/RightNow Excelling with Customer Service Guide, the Customer Service Hub and the infographic below, GovLoop and RightNow will help you master customer service. The infographic below shows the recipe for great customer service.

The recipe is like any cooking recipe you will read. Think about how you use a recipe in your personal life – I think back to my Grandmother, who was the greatest cook ever (hopefully my Mom doesn’t see this!), but reading her recipes has always given me a framework, not a clear path to learning how to make her Christmas cookies. My Grandmother would say things like “add a little bit of sugar,” or “a pinch of salt,” absolutely no use of conventional measurements. But that is why she was such a great cook, it came to her naturally and she taught others through her experience. Many of her recipes I have to ask my Mom what to do or what my Grandma may mean. My Mom has the answers because my Grandmother was the one walking her through how to cook. So in many ways, my Grandmother’s recipes are providing me a framework, not necessarily a solution. The same holds true with customer service, and all the resources GovLoop and RightNow have provided.
Customer service is just like cooking, customer service improves with patience, practice and passionate people leading the way. The key is there is no exact science and no specific way to master customer service. One of the best ways is to learn from others, share best practices, and most importantly, adapt all of your new lessons learned to your own environment. The Customer Service Infographic recipe provides you with the framework you need to excel with customer service. Take the recipe and tailor it to your needs, make it your own and always be sure to share back lessons with others in our community.