Beyond the Hype: Your Guide to Adopting Emerging Tech

In the not too distant past, the phrase “emerging technology” had a futurist sound, alluding to technology that might make a difference in government operations … someday … maybe. That is no longer the case. In this era of continuous development, agencies are looking to understand, test and adopt emerging technologies quickly – and begin reaping the benefits.

In this new guide, Beyond the Hype: Your Guide to Adopting Emerging Tech, we look at a variety of technologies that are rapidly moving from the drawing board to operations. Plus, we will discuss best practices for driving the adoption of emerging technologies as an organizational discipline.

This guide was written by:

  • John Monroe, Director of Editorial
  • Nicole Blake Johnson, Managing Editor
  • Isaac Constans, Staff Writer
  • Mark Hensch, Staff Writer
  • Pearl Kim, Editorial Fellow