The whole is greater than the sum of its parts, Aristotle said, long before the Digital Age was a possibility. And yet his observation applies today perhaps more than ever. The proliferation not only of technological devices, but also their capabilities and interconnection holds new levels of promise for improving the lives of people all over the world and government workers in particular.
Looking back at technology’s evolution, it’s as though each individual development was intended all along to ultimately create the Internet of Everything (IoE), a term coined by research firm Gartner that means the networked connection of people, process, data and things.
“The benefit of IoE is derived from the compound impact of connecting people, process, data, and things, and the value this increased connectedness creates as ‘everything’ comes online,” states a 2013 Cisco Systems report titled “The Internet of Everything: Global Public Sector Analysis.”
Our report examines how IoE is changing government from the very first step of the process: convergence. For expertise, we turned to Cisco, where IoE has become a focus of executives in the past few years as they’ve watched IoE converge elements to make network connections more relevant and valuable than ever before.