Enterprise Content Management (ECM) technology is transforming how government delivers services. With ECM, government can automate many of the monotonous and tedious document management tasks. This shift allows agencies to focus on verifying certain compliance procedures, improving internal processes, allow for simultaneous review and prioritize work for employees. If you are unfamiliar with ECM, be sure to check out GovLoop’s previous infographic to learn all about ECM: Exploring Enterprise Content Management Software. In this infographic, GovLoop and Hyland take a deep-dive look at workflows, it’s clear that ECM is the engine that propels government agencies to prepare for engagement with the future constituent.
Efficient Workflows Through Enterprise Content Management – Click to Launch

This infographic takes a look how agencies capture information, manage content, and then can leverage ECM to transform and re-imagine government. Constituents engage with government in a variety of ways, and with ECM, the content can be managed, stored, and government can improve they way services are delivered to consistuents. At the heart of government is document management, and in this infographic, we look at ECM as the engine that powers government. Click here to download a PDF version.
Case Studies
Case Study from State of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Treasury does much more than serves as a checkbook for citizens. Payments such as unemployment and supplementary benefits must be processed quickly for constituents. Read here to learn how ECM helps PA Treasury.
Case Study from City of Houston
The Houston Police Officers’ Pension System (HPOPS) manages benefits for thousands of officers and beneficiaries. Each officer is unique and requires long periods of storage from enrollment throughout their retirement. Read more about how ECM helps HPOPS.
More Resources:
- 5 Benefits of Leveraging ECM and GIS Technology
- 3 Keys to Workflow Efficiencies: Capturing, Sharing and Managing Documents
- Infographic: How Enterprise Content Management Software is Transforming the Public Sector
- Exploring How Enterprise Content Management Improves Workflows and Organizational Efficiencies

OnBase is a proven enterprise content management solution for each level of government, helping each meet today’s challenges of smaller budgets and staffs while laying the foundation for simplified, efficient and mobile government information technology. To learn more, visit Hyland’s resources page on GovLoop.