Today we are excited to release our latest infographic on Big Data. Our call to you is that now is the time to take Big Data to the next level. We all know Big Data holds great potential for government, but agencies are currently challenged on how to manage the volume, velocity and variety of data. Big Data is generally defined as data sets so large and complex that they are difficult to manage and process using traditional methods, but it doesn’t have to be that way. By viewing our infographic below, your journey starts today to learn how to leverage Big Data. The infographic also explores:
- The Growth of Big Data
- The Journey to Big Data: A 3 Step Process
- A Market Leader in Big Data: The EMC Difference

Data from GovLoop Big Data survey

EMC Corporation, a global IT leader, enables the federal government to transform its operations and deliver IT as a service. Fundamental to this transformation is cloud computing. Through innovative products and services, delivered in partnership with leading government contractors and federal systems integrators, EMC accelerates the journey to cloud computing, helping federal IT departments to store, manage, protect, and analyze their most valuable asset—information—in a more agile, trusted, and cost-efficient way. Additional information can be found at