Agencies are embracing digital channels to better engage their audiences, increase their reach, become more transparent and even improve efficiency. As a result, daily operations and IT teams are more closely tied to developers and the production cycles they leverage. That process of collaboration and coordination, when executed effectively, is called DevOps.
But it’s a process that’s easier said than done. As we explain in this guide, there are common misconceptions about what DevOps is, why we need it and what it looks like. There are also debates about what you need to accomplish DevOps goals. Can you acquire a collaboration tool and call it done?
In this guide we argue that, more than simply using an office communication platform to maintain constant contact, DevOps involves a shift in culture to embrace collaboration and risk. It also requires automating processes, measuring results and sharing best practices across departments and even agencies.
This guide will explore the culture, automation, measuring and sharing (CAMS) model of DevOps, explaining what tools, technologies and processes agencies will need to streamline and maximize their digital product development cycles. We’ll also answer some of your most pressing questions and counter common misconceptions about the role of DevOps in government.
DevOps is the future of the private and public sectors. This guide will help you step into that future.