Modernization of Workforce Development to Deliver Greater Outcomes

In a competitive national and global workforce market, people are the ultimate commodity in driving our communities’ economy, and their employment is the highest priority for state, regional and local government leaders. At all levels, a community that has a well-employed population contributing to thriving businesses is, by many standards, a healthy one. When a state or city has satisfied employed residents supported by reliable resources to accommodate workforce needs, quality of life, productivity and revenue go up across the board.

Clearly, employment for our citizens remains steadfast as a top goal for government. Instrumental in addressing this issue are many key, if not all, government agencies, and with increasing legislative and leadership expectations, the accountability for outcomes has heightened. With that, carrying out critical services efficiently and effectively for all engaged audiences in the cycle, such as job seekers, employing businesses, service providers and partner agency stakeholders, is critical to the success of the workforce development mission.

Yet as public-sector staff work toward delivering the necessary services and support, they are finding that existing processes and systems are unnecessarily constraining the delivery of a job-ready workforce. Government legacy systems are not enabling agencies to keep pace in managing the evolving needs of citizens and businesses as a customer – and that needs to change. To help the public sector understand how it can modernize its workforce management, Salesforce, a leading customer success cloud platform company, partnered with GovLoop for this industry perspective.
