It’s undeniable that cloud computing has changed the way that government does business. With the cloud, agencies are now able to gain new efficiencies, quickly deploy IT services, and transform their operations. Everything from HR, financial reporting, and government transparency have benefited from cloud deployments.
Along with considerations on the proper deployment model like hybrid, public, private, or community, organizations also face a decision around service models. The three common cloud computing models each have unique features and help solve specific business needs in particular ways. In the public sector, agencies are often deploying numerous clouds, and using various service models.
In this report, we will explore Oracle’s Platformas- a-Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) offerings. It’s critical to note that no matter which service model you deploy, it is likely you will also want to leverage both public and private clouds. Oracle supports public, private, hybrid or community cloud options, providing the same tools and technology across all cloud offerings. With the cloud, you can deliver access to applications anywhere, anytime, helping deliver new efficiency and productivity benefits at your organization.
“When thinking about the right service model agencies should start by asking the question: Where do I get the best return overall for my agency?” said Mark Johnson, Information Technology Strategy Expert at Oracle. “IaaS can help agencies find efficiencies with hardware and facilities costs, but PaaS can provide much greater cost savings.”
Once a problem is defined that an agency can address with a cloud solution, agencies can move towards crafting the right kind of cloud offering, requiring an understanding of Platform- as-a-Service and Infrastructure-as-a-Service, which we explore in this report.
See all cloud reports from Oracle >>
Finding Your Right Cloud Solution: Private & Public Clouds
Platform & Infrastructure as a Service: Creating New Efficiencies
Software as a Service: The Key to Modernizing Government