CX: Turning Good Ideas Into Practice

No matter your specific job function, CX lies at the heart of what you do. But knowing that government should provide helpful, timely and accessible services and delivering them are different issues. In this guide — the first of our 2024 two-part CX series — we offer concrete ways to improve your agency’s customer experience.Read… Read more »

How to Improve Your CX Strategy

Creating a stellar experience for customers who interact with your agency is about more than tracking metrics and checking boxes. At its core, an excellent customer experience (CX) provides a seamless, pleasant, and efficient end-to-end journey — for the veteran searching for benefits information online, to the individual waiting in line to be served atRead… Read more »

Defining Your Role in Government Customer Service

Leaders across local, state and federal government recognize the need to improve customer service across the public sector. The Federal Agency Customer Experience Act was introduced in Congress in May, while customer service has been a cross-agency priority goal for years. States and cities are hiring experience officers to lead the charge toward better customerRead… Read more »

Collaboration-as-a-Service: Breaking Down What You Need to Know

Since Alexander Graham Bell ushered in the telephone in 1876, the ability to communicate across distances has become immediate. Passing notes in class is so passé. Why wait for a break to exchange messages? Do it now over a smartphone! Today we demand this instant communication — both in our personal and professional lives. TheRead… Read more »

Customer Service 101: Breaking Down What You Need to Know

The most successful companies not only meet but exceed our expectations for timely, personalized and professional services. For them, good customer service is good business. If this is true in the corporate world, why should government be any different? If you think about it, government is a collection of many small and large enterprises thatRead… Read more »

The Customer Service Playbook for Government

The government is finally making inroads into understanding and providing better customer service. But it faces significant challenges. Government agencies must operate on tighter budgets and with smaller staffs. Many knowledgeable and experienced employees are retiring, further undermining agencies’ ability to effectively serve customers. Today’s citizens and stakeholders demand fast, accurate answers from government agencies,Read… Read more »

The Future of Citizen Engagement: Five Trends Transforming Government

Every year, citizen engagement seems to improve. New technologies are born; new innovations connect citizens with the government; new ideas start to take root. It’s 2015, and citizen engagement has gone far beyond basic social media and town halls. As we make our way through the 21st century, citizen engagement is continuing to evolve. NewRead… Read more »

30 Innovations that Mattered in 2014

New Year’s Resolutions –we can all agree that they are difficult, if not impossible, to maintain. But here’s the thing: small, incremental changes and improvements are totally attainable. Say instead of joining the new workout fad – like Crossfit – you instead walk a mile a day. That’s completely doable. And by walking that mile,Read… Read more »

Your Citizen Engagement Checklist: 18 Strategies for Success

Citizen engagement is nothing new. It’s been conducted in one form or another since the dawn of democracy: Citizens and their elected leaders have met in a variety of ways to exchange ideas and thoughts on policies, processes and more. Until recently, however, this engagement happened in a relatively few ways: Town hall meetings printedRead… Read more »

Customer Service, Closing the Gap Between Citizens and Officials

Customer service in government is undergoing a transformation as technology and social media make it increasingly possible for citizens and government officials to engage with each other around the clock. GovLoop’s latest Agency of the Future guide walks you through this transformation, highlighting the customer service trends of today and the direction of customer service… Read more »

Government Technology Year in Review 2012

Today, technology is a critical component to transform and modernize government to truly create a 21st century government. For our year-end report, the GovLoop team set out to explore what technology trends shaped 2012 to help agencies meet organizational goals. The report also includes best practices, case studies, and identifies which trends will shape governmentRead… Read more »

Navigating the Digital Government Roadmap

GovLoop is proud to announce our latest guide, The GovLoop Guide: Navigating the Digital Government Roadmap.   Technological advancements have enabled government to improve how services are delivered to citizens. This guide focuses on the technology that has enabled government to increase productivity, improve performance and innovate proactively. Throughout this report, we highlight the topRead… Read more »

Re-Imagining Customer Service in Government

GovLoop is proud to announce our latest resource, The GovLoop Research Report: Re-Imagining Customer Service in Government. In this report, we interviewed 11 government employees and conducted an online survey of 138 government employees from our GovLoop community. Customer service is a core function of government. With government customers having heightened expectations of the levelRead… Read more »

Excelling with Customer Service

GovLoop, in partnership with RightNow, is excited to release the “Excelling with Customer Service” Guide. How is your agency doing as it prepares its Customer Service Plan in response to President Obama’s Customer Service Executive Order? As the October 27 deadline for submission stands just one month away, GovLoop has created the guide below. It’sRead… Read more »