How to Build a Cyber-Savvy Workforce

Although zero trust is largely seen as a technological and policy challenge, agencies now realize they need to get buy-in from the workforce, because zero trust will affect how employees do their work. In the same vein, many agencies are stepping up their efforts to improve their employees’ overall cyber literacy, providing training that alignsRead… Read more »

The 2024 Cyber Agenda

Malicious actors have become more adept at exploiting weaknesses, and agency IT environments have become increasingly complex, making it harder to secure applications, data and services. While there are no guarantees that even the best protections will prevent a cyber intrusion, there are ways to make attacks less likely. Download this guide, the first inRead… Read more »

A New Cyber Game Plan Takes Shape

Malicious actors are endlessly inventive, consistently finding new ways to get around existing defenses and engineering attacks for which no defenses exist yet. While there is no foolproof approach to cybersecurity, agencies can become more adaptive. This guide will look at how agencies can improve their ability both to anticipate threats and to change tacticsRead… Read more »

Reframing National Cybersecurity: Spotlighting the President’s Executive Order

America has a cybersecurity problem, and recent events suggest it is worsening. In 2021 alone, cybercriminals have upended everything from gas pipelines to schools. This spotlight resource strives to address the cybersecurity fatigue gov employees are feeling by refreshing cybersecurity for agencies. Our practical resource tackles four elements from the EO so that you andRead… Read more »

Security in the Digital Age: Your Guide to Identity & Access Management

In many ways, how we secure, manage and verify our digital identities have become as important — if not more important — than how we represent ourselves in person. Our privacy, security and sensitive assets are at stake and are more accessible to us, and to those who wish to harm us. For government agencies,Read… Read more »

Integrating Security From End to End With DevSecOps

Today, in the collaborative framework of DevOps, security is a shared responsibility integrated from end to end. It’s a mindset that is so important, it has led to the term and approach, DevSecOps, which emphasizes the need to build a security foundation into DevOps initiatives. DevSecOps means thinking about application and infrastructure security from the start.Read… Read more »

Your Guide to Cloud Security in Government Today: Making the Most of FedRAMP

More than 150 agencies are using FedRAMP-authorized cloud services. Through FedRAMP and its more than 120 authorized products, agencies are able to leverage existing authorizations and work off of a common set of security standards, which allows them to consider more options when migrating to the cloud. This process not only improves access to innovativeRead… Read more »

Your Guide to Key Advancements in Government Cybersecurity

There’s a lot of talk in government about modernizing aging systems and adopting digital services to give citizens the same type of experience they’re used to getting from private companies. But none of these initiatives can stand on its own without a solid cybersecurity strategy. Underpinning each effort is a major push to improve howRead… Read more »

Best Government Training Resources to Meet Gov’s In-Demand Skills

It’s probably safe to assume that most of us have heard the old “practice makes perfect” adage at least once in our lives. The formula is simple: work hard, work often and you’ll dominate — eventually. We bought into this concept. We believed, we did, we conquered — or at least tried to. But thenRead… Read more »

Security Operations in Government: Breaking Down What You Need to Know

Government agencies are barraged with more than 10,000 cyberthreats every day. Not only do agencies need equipped cyber professionals to manage and counter these threats, they also need IT operations professionals to ensure systems are at peak performance. At the same time, not every threat is critical and not every threat needs to be managedRead… Read more »

7 Cybersecurity Tactics to Watch in Government

In this guide, we will take an indepth look at seven ways government agencies are taking cybersecurity efforts to the next level using innovations in artificial intelligence, analytics, training, bug reporting, partnerships across borders, procurement, and recruitment and retention.

Digital Content Security: Breaking Down What You Need to Know

This pocket guide from GovLoop will look at content security practices in the public sector, why it matters, government rules and regulations related to digital data and its security and current challenges in this area. We’ll also provide tips and tricks that you can apply to help make content at your agency more secure today… Read more »

Your Guide to Government’s Critical Cyberthreats

It seems like every time you check the news, you read another alarming headline like “Database leak exposes 191M voter registration records” and “21.5 million exposed in second hack of federal office.” It’s clear that government is fighting a constant war in cyberspace, and it’s occasionally losing. But is that the whole story? What’s oftenRead… Read more »

Your Guide to Understanding State and Local Government

Every January, the President of the United States makes the 1.5-mile journey from the White House to the Capitol Building to address the three branches of government and the public through the annual State of the Union speech. For more than 200 years, presidents from George Washington to Barack Obama have taken the opportunity toRead… Read more »

CDM and Einstein: The Foundations of Federal Civilian Cyberdefense

Interest in government cybersecurity has never been higher. High-profile leaks by Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning, coupled with external attacks on entities including the White House, have attracted a spotlight. But after data on 21.5 million federal employees and their families were exposed in the breaches of the Office of Personnel Management’s Information systems, many moreRead… Read more »

The Future of Cybersecurity: 15 Trends Safeguarding Government

Public servants have always been on the frontline of American defense, whether serving in combat positions or conducting analyses at a desk. They have long protected our infrastructure, economy, freedoms, and national interests. In the current age of cyber insecurity, those duties have never been more important. Every employee at every level of government is charged with protecting our information from foreign andRead… Read more »

Securing Government: Lessons from the Cyber Frontlines

Many news outlets declared 2014 to be “The Year of the Breach,” especially for government. The title seems appropriate. Last year, the U.S. Postal Service (USPS), the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the State Department, and even the White House fell victim to successful hacks that resulted in sensitive information being exposed to adversaries and the public.Read… Read more »

The Joint Information Environment: The IT Framework for the Future

In December of 2012 the Department of Defense (DoD) developed the Joint Information Environment (JIE) framework. JIE is an ambitious multi-year effort designed to realign, restructure and modernize the Department’s information technology networks. The JIE framework will change the way DoD networks are constructed, operated and defended. Since JIE is not a program of record,Read… Read more »

Your Cybersecurity Crash Course

In 1988, Robert Tappan Morris became the first person to be convicted under the U.S. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. Curious about how big the Internet was, Morris wrote a script now known as the “Morris worm.” He never intended to inflict harm to machines, but as the worm replicated and spread throughout the Internet,Read… Read more »

The Continuous Diagnostic and Mitigation (CDM) Field Guide

In today’s world, it’s imperative that government protects our critical infrastructure to preserve our physical and economic security. To do so, cyber professionals must obtain real-time visibility of networks, improve ability to mitigate known flaws and decrease security risks by reducing their vulnerabilities. That’s why the CDM program is so important. The program enables agencies to decreaseRead… Read more »

Innovations That Matter: Your Road Map to a Secure Future

In today’s digital world, no organization is immune from cybersecurity threats. Whether it’s Target, LivingSocial, the Federal Reserve or any other public-facing institution, every organization is at risk of having its data and infrastructure compromised. For security professionals today, being secure isn’t just about thwarting attacks – it’s also being prepared to react once you… Read more »