How to Scale Your IT Spending

With an ever-increasing demand for data, agencies have seen their cloud expenditures skyrocket. It’s estimated that 45% or more of all enterprise IT spending will be used toward public cloud solutions by 2026. To accommodate these spending and data increases, agencies will need to consider a pay-as-you-go solution that provides easier fiscal predictability with lessRead… Read more »

How to Simplify Your Move to the Cloud

Learn how your agency can seamlessly migrate to the cloud by combining software-defined data center software with modern cloud resources. Download your report, How to Break the Logjam on Cloud Migrations now: Brought to you by:

Simplify Cloud-Based Transformation With Organizational Change Management

Check out this new report to learn how to enable cloud-driven digital transformations and explore actionable organizational change management strategies that address key issues around people, processes and technologies. Download your report, Simplify Cloud-Based Transformation With Organizational Change Management now: Brought to you by:

Modernizing the Citizen Experience With Cloud Identity

Download your free copy of the new report to explore: – The customer identity and access management (CIAM) timeline. – The challenge posed by inadequate CIAM and best practices for improving it with cloud. – How cloud helped the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls modernize their CIAM. The explosion of devices and communication channels in recentRead… Read more »

Better Cloud Adoption Through Better Security

Government mandates like Cloud Smart and security requirements like the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) are driving agencies toward cloud adoption. Cloud adoption does not come without risks, however. Shared responsibility, lack of visibility, internal risks, advanced cyberattacks and more are at play for agencies that move their sensitive data and applications toRead… Read more »

Improving Application Delivery & Customer Experience Through Cloud-Based Technologies

The value of cloud computing for federal agencies is far more than potential cost savings and the ability to reduce their data center footprint. Cloud has the ability to transform the way employees collaborate across siloed departments, access critical data to make decisions and improve the timeliness of federal services. Budgetary constraints, organizational silos andRead… Read more »

Unifying Government Communications With Cloud

For agencies, moving to the cloud is the best path to modernize, reduce costs and create efficiency. Agencies that fully embrace cloud can simplify their processes, tools and workforces, giving both citizens and employees the user experience that they’re demanding. One example of this is cloud-based Unified Communications, or UC. The right UC technology givesRead… Read more »

Powering Growth and Innovation for Hybrid Cloud

Today, federal agencies such as yours are taking significant steps to modernize their systems, opening the door for emerging technologies to increase agility and innovation. Federal employees can experience greater empowerment with new, modernized tools that allow them to focus on strategic work. By equipping staff with cloud computing capabilities and the confidence to takeRead… Read more »

Hybrid Cloud: The Gateway to More Modern IT Infrastructure in DoD

The gap between the Defense Department’s (DoD) current and future state is where both challenges and opportunities exist. Today, “different DoD components manage many of the department’s networks, data centers and clouds,” according to a Pentagon news release. “Consolidating these disparate efforts at the enterprise level will enable the CIO to provide greater security andRead… Read more »

Making IT Modernization a Reality for Agencies

Government agencies are facing ever-increasing challenges to modernize and engage with citizens and stakeholders through digital channels. But you can’t just flip a switch to become a digital government. Change like that takes new tools, new processes and a new way of thinking. Essentially, you need to transform the way you work. But with regulations,Read… Read more »

Your Roadmap to More Secure, Cost-Effective Print Management

In a 2009 survey of federal employees, the Government Accountability Office found that an average of $440.4 million was spent on unnecessary printing each year. Despite its astronomical cost, little effort was made to reduce this financial burden, even as government agencies found themselves needing to do more with less. But the growing prioritization ofRead… Read more »

How Can Agencies Securely Move Data and Analytics to the Cloud?

Agency IT and security operations teams must rethink how they protect data in a digital world where data is everywhere, particularly when data is in the cloud. Federal agencies should take a chapter from financial institutions’ playbooks and adopt a data-centric approach that includes data encryption, tokenization and key management that protects data across allRead… Read more »

Leveraging High-Volume Data to Improve Population Health

Data is the lifeblood of healthcare and the foundation for population health management (PHM) initiatives. Data integrated from an expanding array of sources – electronic health records, insurance claims, pharmacy records, IoT, AI and emerging areas in genomic sequencing and social determinants of health – brings new opportunities to prevent and treat chronic conditions, andRead… Read more »

Hybrid Cloud: A Path to IT Modernization

Increasing budget pressures and rising costs to operate and maintain government systems have forced agencies to take a hard look at their IT operations. Under the current administration, agencies are required to identify specific high-risk legacy IT systems and set a budget for system modernization. From a technology standpoint, two key drivers powering IT modernizationRead… Read more »

Supporting Today’s Warfighter With Machine Learning and the Cloud

To learn more about how DoD is leveraging the cloud to take advantage of AI, GovLoop worked with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to produce this market trends report. In the following pages, you will learn how AI can impact critical missions in the Defense Department, and the role cloud plays to enable AI.

It’s Time for the Next Generation of Public-Sector Cloud Management

Adoption of cloud computing technology is much more common today in public sector than ever before. However, there are still a number of unexpected obstacles that agencies encounter when moving to the cloud. So how can the public sector leap over these obstacles and successfully migrate to the cloud? Get your copy of this newRead… Read more »

How the Cloud Powers Disaster Recovery for Government

In recent years, federal, state, and local governments have faced unprecedented costs for disaster response and recovery efforts. “The federal government obligated nearly $300 billion across numerous departments and agencies during fiscal years 2005 through 2014 for disaster assistance,” according to the Government Accountability Office. “Extreme disasters like hurricanes Katrina and Sandy caused billions ofRead… Read more »

Data Center as-a-Service: The Gateway to Rapid IT Modernization

There’s a renewed focus across government to modernize legacy IT infrastructure — most of which is costly to operate and taxing for agencies to manage. Federal agencies have long grappled with the budget, acquisition and security challenges of maintaining aging hardware and software. But thanks to new laws such as the Modernizing Government Technology (MGT)Read… Read more »

Ensuring Readiness to Move Into the Cloud

The journey to cloud technologies is constantly changing. For government, it is getting more complex, with more critical risks. After moving the low-hanging fruit – small workloads or institutional applications – into the cloud, agencies are focusing on migrating larger, more mission-critical applications. Leaders want to create better user experience, improve performance, improve reliability andRead… Read more »

How to Embrace Cloud as a Business Model

As cloud adoption matures across government, many agencies are realizing that this new IT model is much more than a technology decision. It’s a business decision that has had significant impacts on the way agencies buy, manage and deliver IT capabilities internally and to citizens. The challenge, however, is mapping the best path forward toRead… Read more »

Making the Most of FedRAMP

When the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) launched in 2012, cloud computing was a fairly new business model in government. Few agencies were buying IT services and they were struggling to grasp the logistics of cloud procurement, implementation and security. Fast-forward to the present. Virtually every Cabinet-level agency, including the Defense Department, isRead… Read more »

Mapping Your Path to the Cloud

There’s no denying that cloud computing is transforming the way government agencies consume information, deliver services and carry out their unique missions. Over the past few years, agencies have gradually shifted from owning the hardware and software that support these functions to buying access to IT infrastructure and applications as a service. Early adopters ofRead… Read more »

Revolutionizing Government Facilities Management With the Cloud

Facilities management in government is nothing new. The U.S. government owned and managed buildings and assets well before Thomas Jefferson signed his name to the Declaration of Independence. However, today’s facilities managers have a resource that Jefferson and his fellow Founding Fathers could never have imagined: cloud computing. Imagine how much more efficient Jefferson couldRead… Read more »

Securing Your Agency From End to End

Gone are the days when cybersecurity was just an information technology problem. In 2015 alone, eBay, LivingSocial, Adobe, Evernote, Home Depot and JPMorgan Chase joined the ever-growing list of companies facing major security breaches. And it’s not just about compromised data: The breaches also amount to millions, if not billions, of dollars in lost revenue,Read… Read more »

Securing Your Data in the Cloud

When we think of data breaches, we might picture a TV plotline on shows like “Quantico” or real-life examples like Edward Snowden – where someone intentionally exposes sensitive information. But the reality is that anyone in an agency, ranging from top-clearance levels down to an entry-level worker, can intentionally or accidentally misuse or leak criticalRead… Read more »

Government in the Cloud: Strategies for Deploying and Migrating to Office 365

It’s not just inevitable, it’s already happening. Government is moving to the cloud. But migrating to the cloud can be an arduous process that can take months, even years to complete. And migrating is only the beginning of the cloud journey. Proper deployment and management are a continuous process. Fortunately, Metalogix has tools that canRead… Read more »

Finding Your Right Cloud Solution

As an information technology (IT) professional, you spend significant time purchasing, managing, upgrading and administering IT services. Often, these responsibilities are time-consuming and pull you away from fulfilling the most important mission-critical objectives at your agency. That’s why many IT departments have looked to the cloud to transform their operations. An Oracle white paper reportsRead… Read more »

Platform & Infrastructure as a Service: Creating New Efficiencies

It’s undeniable that cloud computing has changed the way that government does business. With the cloud, agencies are now able to gain new efficiencies, quickly deploy IT services, and transform their operations. Everything from HR, financial reporting, and government transparency have benefited from cloud deployments. Along with considerations on the proper deployment model like hybrid,Read… Read more »

Software as a Service: The Key to Modernizing Government

On all levels of government, public sector agencies are looking to the cloud to re-imagine their business processes and power new innovations. Through effective cloud deployment and management, organizations can reduce costs, deploy services with agility, and identify new ways to accomplish the complex missions of the public sector. With the cloud, organizations have gainedRead… Read more »

Knowledge Transfer: Becoming an Informed Cloud Buyer

Conversations about cloud computing are a lot different today than they were four years ago. Back then, definitions for this new business model varied, and some people questioned if cloud solutions could ever be as secure as the government’s internal hosting environments. Additionally, agencies were coming to grips with the implications of infor- mation technology-as-a-serviceRead… Read more »

Protecting Your Data in the Cloud

Cybersecurity is the hottest buzzword in government these days. But just because people are talking about it, doesn’t mean they actually know how to achieve it. In reality, many government organizations are struggling to secure their data from internal and external threats. Taken alone, cybersecurity is challenging. The speed of evolution and the consistency ofRead… Read more »

Changing the Conversation: The Case for “As-A-Service”

The expanding roles of “as-a-service” (aaS) and cloud computing in government agencies involve more than just the agency’s information technology department. Since it is a business strategy, more people realize that employing a cloud or services in a cloud can increase efficiency and collaboration, leading to improved performance and service delivery and reduced cost. TheRead… Read more »

Convergence: The First Step to the Internet of Everything

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts, Aristotle said, long before the Digital Age was a possibility. And yet his observation applies today perhaps more than ever. The proliferation not only of technological devices, but also their capabilities and interconnection holds new levels of promise for improving the lives of people allRead… Read more »

How Open Source Cloud Technology Can Eliminate Silos & Centralize Workloads

Imagine a government in which IT systems connect citizens to services, data moves easily among agencies and public-sector employees, and information is truly open and accessible. A government with systems like these would better serve its citizens, be more efficient, and free agencies to focus more on agency mission. Information technology administrators are getting closeRead… Read more »

Making Smarter IT Investments: Customizing the Cloud

Today, cloud computing offers government the opportunity to re-imagine how services are delivered. But a word to the wise: not all cloud platforms are created equal. Cloud solutions depend on both solving the right organizational problems and selecting the right kind of cloud offering. By doing so, you can enable your agency to fundamentally changeRead… Read more »