
Review – New City of Tampa Website

My hometown City of Tampa just re-launched their website today so thought I’d write a little review.


-Love the new big focus on search and key terms up top

-Love how we’ve moved from just a series of links to highlighting the top key areas

-Love the background image showing the beauty of tampa – I hope they change this over time to highlight the best Tampa has to offer

-Digging the interactive components like the interactive maps


-We still have the world URL ever – Seriously it sounds like a bad 1999 web company. Bite the bullet and make the change – it should be Or could be

-Font feels amateurish – I’m not a font guru but something about the font (is it Arial) just makes it feel like an amateur website

-Favicon in nav bar looks lame

-I would spend more time highlighting alerts – as you see in sites like, email and alerts are still the item citizens most likely to sign up for

-I know lawyers often say you need to do this but I really hate when I click on a website and then it says “you are now leaving the city of tampa website, click here if you want to leave” – it’s 2012, we don’t need that any more

Overall – Pretty cool to see City of Tampa make a step in the right direction. It looks way better and much easier to find what you need. Still some tweeks left but most are easy to do

What’s your take?

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