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Road Diets: Roadway Reconfiguration (Bios)

Craig Allred, Resource Center (

Gene Calvert, Safety Engineer, City of New Braunfels DOT, TX (
My name is Gene Calvert. I am the Assistant Public Works Director for the City of New Braunfels, Texas. Under my adminitrative overview is the Streets and Drainage Divsion, Capital Programs, Solid Waste Division and Facilities Management. With over 35 years of experince in building and maintaining streets and highways, I have had the oppportunity to work as a private consultant, directed LTAP training programs, and managed city and county government highway agencies. My career has spanned six states from coast to coast, from border to border, and in the heartland of the country,

Through all of this I find one underlying need. The need to build streets and highways that are safer and more cost effective to maintain.

Through this course I hope to learn how to provide insight from the local government perspective to effectively implement a program for Road Diets.

Brian Chandler, LEIDOS-consultant (

Becky Crowe, Team Leader (
My name is Becky Crowe and I work for the Federal Highway Administration’s Office of Safety.  My first and foremost goal is to SAVE LIVES!!!  I’m excited to take this course and get the perspectives of all my team members so we can put together a rock solid Implementation Plan for Road Diets!

Josh DeBruyn, MI DOT Ped Bike Coord (
Hello, I am Josh DeBruyn and I am the Bicycle and Pedestrain Coordinator with the Michigan Department of Transportation. As the B/P Coordinator I get involved in many different aspects of supporting and promoting walking and bicycling as a part of our multi-modal transportation network. This includes serving on the CMAQ, SRTS, and TAP Project Selection Advisory Committee; working with our Bureau of Design on updates to guidance documents and design manuals to further the development of our infrastructure; review policies and legislation for their impacts on bicyclists and pedestrians; and serve as a liaison between MDOT and other State Departments on matters relating to the safety and mobility of bicyclists and pedestrians. As a team member of the EDC 3 Road Diet Team this course will help me more effectively provide meaningful input to FHWA’s efforts.

Peter Eun, Resource Center (

Dan Goodman, Planning (

Keith Harrison, Resource Center (

Keith Harrison, Safety & Design Engineer, Resource Center Safety & Design Team

Serve as Becky Crowe’s Co-Lead for Road Diets

Looking for tools and techniques to help craft custom-tailored messages targeted to diverse audiences

Elizabeth Hilton, Infrastructure (
I’m Elizabeth Hilton and I work in the FHWA Office of Infrastructure, where I’m a geometric design engineer.  I also cover bike/ped design for our office, and ADA compliance. I was asked to represent our office on the EDC3-Road Diet team.   I’m looking forward to seeing what I can learn from this course.

Peter Hsu, District 7 Safety Engineer – FDOT (

Keith Knapp, Iowa LTAP (
My name is Keith Knapp and I’m the Iowa Local Technical Assistance Program Director within the Institute for Transportation at Iowa State University.  I also continue to complete various research and outreach projects in the area of rural and local roadway safety.  I am taking this course to be more effective in the implementation of innovations and research results.

Zylkia Martin-Yambo, CA Division (
My name is Zylkia Martin-Yambo and I’m a Transportation Engineer working in the CalSouth Office of the FHWA California Division. I have worked in Southern California for a little over 3 years and worked at the Virginia Division Office as an Area Engineer for about 4 years. In California, I have worked with the State DOT and numerous Local Agencies on delivering the Federal-Aid Program. From this course, I would like to gain knowledge on how to effectively implement an initiavte while targeting different agencies which may have different goals.   

Jesse Mintz-Roth, NYC DOT (

Greg Morris, GA Division (

Norah Ocel, Federal Lands (

Greg Piland, IL Division (
I’m Greg Piland and I work in FHWA’s Illinois Division Office as a Safety Specialist. I am our office Bike/Ped Coordinator and also handle the Transportation Alternative Program inclusive of Transportation Enhancements, Safe Routes to School and Recreational Trails.  As a member of the EDC3 Road Diet team this course should help in the production of a concise final plan to implement across the nation.

Jessica Rich, TN Division (

Gabe Rousseau, Office of Safety (

Jacinda Russell, FHWA RI Division (

Jeff Shaw, Office of Safety (

Jaime Tuddao, Safety Engineer-NV DOT (

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