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Road Diets: Roadway Reconfiguration (Team Page)

Overview of Innovation

Four-lane undivided highways have a history of relatively high crash rates as traffic volumes increase and as the inside lane is shared by higher-speed through traffic and left-turning vehicles. Additionally, as more communities desire complete streets and more livable spaces, they are looking for ways to improve pedestrian and bicycle facilities and transit options. One solution that addresses safety concerns and benefits all modes is a “road diet.” A classic road diet typically involves converting an existing four-lane, undivided roadway segment to a three-lane segment consisting of two through lanes and a center, two-way, left-turn lane. The resulting benefits include a crash reduction of approximately 19 to 47 percent, reduced vehicle speeds, improved mobility and access, and improved quality of life. A road diet allows the additional space that is freed up by removing a vehicular travel lane to be used for bike lanes, pedestrian refuge islands, transit stops, and/or parking. 

Implementation Team

Implementation Plan: Working Draft

PLEASE NOTE: The Innovation Market Research Tool assigned in Week 4 has been added to this same Google Doc below the Target Audience Descriptor Tool. Please click on the button above to access.

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