
Should I Accept Every Request to Connect on LinkedIn?

A current graduate student just told me that he and his friends have a question that keeps emerging. Here’s the scenario he presented – to which you might relate:

I receive a lot of random requests to connect on LinkedIn. I know that it actually recommends people to you who are in your potential sphere of influence and a lot of people quickly click on those to get linked with people they might know, but who could be valuable. As a result, I’m not sure if I should accept all of them or be more selective. What’s your advice?

Well, I’m not sure if I have advice, but I can tell you my process:

1. Do I know this person? If yes, accept request.

2. Is someone in my sphere that I trust linked to this person? If yes, accept request.

3. Is this person in the public sector? If yes, accept request.

4. Is someone that I do not know at all and they aren’t in my trusted network? If yes, pause.

I’m pretty confident this approach is quite common, but I’d be curious to learn if there are people who are more cautious in accepting requests – especially if you are in the public sector and feel as if you ought to be a little more guarded.

Do you accept most LinkedIn requests or are you more selective?

What’s your filtering process?

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