
Smarter Care: Holistic Healthcare Solutions

What if a citizen could walk into any agency and receive the aid he or she is eligible for even if those services do not fall into the scope of that agency’s mission? What if there was no wrong door? This possibility is now a reality with IBM®’s Smarter Care approach. Smarter Care places an emphasis on collaboration across government boundaries, social programs, life sciences, health plans and providers. Ultimately, caseworkers using Smarter Care will gain a holistic view of the individual

To show the power of Smarter Care, GovLoop and IBM® partnered to create digital resources and trainings around IBM®’s Smarter Care solutions. These resources are designed to highlight how Smarter Care has created holistic care, allocated resources efficiently, and optimized productivity for caseworkers. In a new three-page case study, we provide an overview of a GovLoop and IBM® online training webinar, white paper and blog series. The social services resources include the following, and are highlighted in this report:

1. An Industry Perspective: Smarter Care: Social Programs and Wellness in the Digital Age, which includes expert insights and case studies from:

2. A GovLoop and IBM® Online Training: How To Transform Social Programs Through Data and Analytics, which included insights from:

3. A series of thought leadership articles written by GovLoop staff, highlighting case studies of success stories through Smarter Care:

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The IBM Analytics Solution Center (ASC) is part of a network of global analytics centers that provides clients with the analytics expertise to help them solve their toughest business problems. Check out their Analytics to Outcomes group on GovLoop.

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