Added to your fiscal year end stress is the looming presidential transition. If you’re a fed, you’re probably in panic mode just hearing those two phrases.
But what if we were to tell you it’s possible to keep a level head at work and not let stress overcome you during this time of year? It’s true. You can do it! How? By taking the advice of govies who have been there.
Here’s a collection of our favorite past GovLoop blog posts full of tips and tricks to survive and thrive in the fiscal new year and during the transition.
- How to Prepare for the Presidential Transition: If you’re new to gov and haven’t worked through a presidential transition the fear of the unknown can be scary. These blogs will help you prepare and survive come November.
- How to Manage (and Even Embrace) Change: You may not be directly affected by the transition. But there are changes to be expected, and change is hard for most people to deal with. But it won’t be for you after reading these blogs that will show you how to roll with the punches.
- How to Reduce Stress: Even with strong preparation and change management best practices, it’s impossible to completely avoid stress at work. It’s all about how you handle it. These blogs will help you get healthy and om it out.
- How to Maintain Work-Life Balance: New management can sometimes mean you have to re-prove yourself. But chaining yourself to your desk to prove your valuable is not the way to go. Being a workaholic isn’t good for anyone! Here’s how you can maintain work life balance and be happy.
Here at GovLoop, we hope you embrace change and make FY17 your best year in government ever. We’ll leave you with this ultimate inspirational playlist for govies to enjoy while reading all of these great resources.