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Surviving the Next Skill Wave as Public Employees

NPR recently posed the following question: Do we all need to learn how to code software?

According to the article, both Democrat and Republican leaders have expressed a desire to make programming a core skillset, placing it on equal footing with reading, math, and foreign language training.

“Becoming literate in code is as essential to being literate in language and math.”

– Eric Cantor, House Majority Leader (R-VA)

However, not all programming experts agree. After all, having the ability to fix our own automobiles or rewire the electrical circuits in our houses would make us vastly more marketable in each of those fields. But isn’t that why we have licensed professionals in the first place? Having a smaller expert corps allows the rest of us to pursue other interests or careers.

Still, there is a consensus that we should all be able to perform the equivalent of an oil change on our computers.

This thought has me concerned for those of us working in the public sector. Pursuing a career in local, state, and federal government often means holding a “permanent” position. This protects employees from political influence and also allows us time to become subject matter experts, which is essential for a professional, independent bureaucracy. Yet this permanence also means that many employees develop expert power in a particular area at the expense of other skills (including computer skills). Coupled with the slow-moving nature of large public institutions in general, we – more so than workers in other sectors – are particularly at risk of missing successive skill waves.

This risk is especially pertinent now that budgets are shrinking and jobs are looking a lot less permanent than in the recent past. Therefore, we could all benefit from some periodic tech training.

But what would an ‘oil change’ look like when it comes to our computers? Here are a few suggestions for ramping up those computer skills.




What are some of your ‘oil change’ computing goals?

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