Posts Tagged: 2.0

Do You Know How to Conduct a Symphony. . . Of Negotiation?

As I read this article ( I had to face a brutal reality. . . I’m stubborn. Now, not pointing fingers, but you probably are too! Society has engrained a “win, win, win”, “conquer, conquer, conquer” mentality in the best of us since the beginning of time. Needless to say, we all need to haveRead… Read more »

Open Government Day brings new guidance from OMB

Today is deadline day for federal agencies to post their Open Government plans online (and discuss these plans), but there’s another Open Government Directive milestone reached today as well that shouldn’t be overlooked: new guidance from OMB on how social media, transparency and existing policies can mesh together. Read more about the four new OGDRead… Read more »

How Successful are Your Gov 2.0 Initiative(s)?

There are certainly more and more Government Agencies jumping on the band wagon to follow President Obama’s directive for them to become more collaborative, open, transparent and participatory. But the real question is – what measures are being taken to evaluate the success or failure of all these efforts? I’m writing an article for eContentRead… Read more »

Examples of Good Web 2.0 Newsrooms/Pages?

After a recent post about newroom 2.0 make overs…I’d now like to emphasize that there is a legitimate need to change towards the use of social media as part of your communication, marketing, outreach, employment recruitment, and the meeting of your agency procurement needs strategy. Therefore, I went looking for good examples of Web 2.0Read… Read more »

Network Society:The TEIA PROJECT – A New Opportunity

There is a considerable body of descriptions and analysis of social structures emerging at the turn of the twentieth century to the twenty-one that highlights the fact that contemporary societies are being the scene of extraordinary economic, political, cultural, social and technological change. In the last decades of the twentieth century were a number ofRead… Read more »

Giving Employees Incentives for Innovation

Calls for more government efficiency come not just from the public, but also from the public servants who make government’s day-to-day operations possible. Some of the best ideas come from the people who intimately know the processes that could be improved. However, implementing those ideas often requires jumping several, tall hurdles. In an unfortunate caseRead… Read more »

Persuasive Networks

Words can be powerful. They influence purchases – “I’ll buy this good over that good”. “This good is better for me”. “I want that”. In government, they affect public opinion – “I am/am not for government sponsored healthcare reform”, “ I am for less taxes” “We need more roads”. This is why the industry ofRead… Read more »

EGOVIS 2010: Call for Papers Deadline Extended

A call for papers, with [extended] submission deadline of 21 March 2010, 7 March 2010 has been issued for EGOVIS 2010: The International Conference on Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective, to be held August 30-September 3, 2010, in Bilbao, Spain, in conjunction with the DEXA 2010 conference. Papers are invited on the followingRead… Read more »