Posts Tagged: 2.0

Social Media isn’t a Prerequisite for Open Government

This post originally appeared on my external blog,“Social Media Strategery.” Open Government/Government 2.0 is about more than wikis, open data, Twitter, Web 2.0, or social media—it is about the strategic use of technology to transform our government into a platform that is participatory, collaborative, and transparent. Sure, social media can help facilitate this transformation, butRead… Read more »

You Can’t Separate the ‘Social’ from Social Media

This post originally appeared in Federal Computer Week on Feb. 17, 2010. With all the media coverage of internal, behind-the-firewall social — excuse me, professional — networking platforms, such as NASA’s Spacebook, the Defense Department’s milBook and even my company’s internal tool, one might think we’re in the midst of fundamentally changing the way weRead… Read more »

How-To: Get Re-Tweeted

This will be my shortest blog post ever. Because it’s about Twitter. And you don’t have much space to say something important. So here’s a quick tip that I believe is the foundation for re-tweetification: Structure tweets in such a way that you leave at least 10-15 characters for an RT, HT or “via” plusRead… Read more »

Did you see the portal? Your Reax, please.

I came across this article titled “Government Plans Mobile Apps Store” Federal CIO Vivek Kundra outlines plans to offer mobile applications from an iPhone-like ‘store’ that will give the public access to new capabilities developed by both the government and third-party developers. I got curious when I read the article and immediately wentRead… Read more »

Government YouTube Competition: Enter EPA’s Our Planet, Our Stuff, Our Choice

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is seeking 30 and 60 second video competition to raise awareness of the connection between the environment and the “stuff” people use, consume, recycle, and throw away. Cash prizes will be given to top adult and student entries. See over amazing entries posted as video responses to date onRead… Read more »

New times demand a new public servant

So what would a new public servant look like in the States? Last weeks Public Sector Informant published an article by Terry Fewtrell on the implications of the work done by the Gov 2.0 Taskforce. Terry is principal consultant with Yellow Edge Consulting. The article New times demand a new public servant, highlights the fundamentalRead… Read more »

Project of the Week – Native Cultures 2.0

So much of the 2.0 part of the web is community in collaboration. One of the emerging questions with this technology and tools is – how does it benefit all Americans or help to reach traditionally underserved populations? What caught our attention this month is how native communities are using Web 2.0 tools to enhanceRead… Read more »

Towards a More Transparent and Collaborative Government: One Year In

The other day I was having lunch with Rich Dougherty, the CEO of Expert Choice, a collaboration software company in Arlington, VA that is a client of mine. We were discussing the trends towards a more transparent and collaborative federal government. I decided to record it with my iPhone and turn it into an interview.Read… Read more »

The Gospel of Gov 2.0

Leading government into the land of wikis, blogs and social media isn’t easy….an article by Jill R. Aitoro that recently appeared in the October issue of Government Executive is right on target. In the face of the staggering statistics on the number of people on the web and the incredible potential to “crowd-source” ideas (insteadRead… Read more »

Governments’ success with new social media depends on success with old engagement methods

[Note this is a cross post from my blog, the original (with links & images) can be found here.] Transparency, open government, e-government, Gov 2.0 are all terms to describe government’s new relationship with citizens in the age of the Internet, particularly using the social media technology solutions of Web 2.0. Many believe in itsRead… Read more »