Posts Tagged: 2.0

Jane & John Q. Public’s “Year-End (2009) Gov 2.0 List”

There are some great “year-end” blog posts and articles reviewing e-Gov, or government via the Internet. This year, it is mostly about Gov 2.0 — stories or benchmarks for expanding collaborative technologies of Web 2.0 across the public sector. All of these articles come from practitioners, intended for reading/discussion among other practitioners. What’s missing? HowRead… Read more »

Open Government Directive Plan Template is posted

Many of you probably saw the Open Government Directive Memo that was published earlier this month. If you didn’t, you can read it here. This memo has speedy schedule for agencies to develop, plan and comply with differect requirements to make the Federal Government more open and transparent. Realizing that almost every agency would needRead… Read more »

Report of Australia’s Gov 2.0 Taskforce Released

Hi Folks, The final report of our Gov 2.0 Taskforce has been released and is available from the Department of Finance and Deregulation right now. Borrowing Steve Ressler’s language, It is an awesome report and in many ways the report title – Engage: Getting on with Government 2.0 Report of the Government 2.0 Taskforce –Read… Read more »

Moving The Better Buy Project Forward: An Exercise in Change

From The Better Buy Project blog After attending the recent Better Buy Project panel this past week, I blogged about my observations and some issues that came up from that conversation. That lively discussion continued on the GovLoop Acquisition 2.0 community. Although many commentators took different takes, I think we all agreed that one ofRead… Read more »

Key Benefits and Challenges of the OpenGov Directive

I used to be a journalist, and it was an incredible experience. However, I eventually got tired of being on the outside. I could call attention to government issues as an “objective” observer, but I wanted to affect positive change. My ultimate goal was to help bridge the gaps between government organizations and the peopleRead… Read more »

Will social media deliver on enterprise collaboration in 2010?

As the end-year reviews and new-year predictions and resolutions arrive in my inbox, I have been thinking about what has been the biggest impact or change in the collaboration arena. The biggest change I find is that the differentiation between social media software and collaboration applications has almost disappeared from the positioning messages. Traditional CollaborationRead… Read more »

Big vs. Small Federal Agency Government 2.0

It’s almost commonplace to hear things like, Federal agencies are getting better with Government 2.0, transparency, and communicating with the public. But most of the examples of this that I see and hear are from big agencies. You know, agencies like these: DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENTRead… Read more »

Social Media–Cause they’re already bad mouthing you anyway

I think one of the most compelling arguments to engage in the social media world for government public relations folks simply lies in being part of the conversation that is occurring already. This has always been obvious to me but it really came to mind while I attended the Department of Defense All Services SocialRead… Read more »