Posts Tagged: 2.0

Apps for Innovation – Two More Weeks Til Deadline

The Consumer Electronics Association’s “Apps for Innovation” contest for software application developers closes in two weeks, on Monday, December 14. The grand-prize winner will receive $10,000 and a free trip to the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES), January 7-10, 2010, in Las Vegas. A second-place winner will receive $5,000, and a third-place winner will receiveRead… Read more »

Now PR & Social Commerce.

Are you getting the buzz on the street real-time from Social Context? I propose to my fellow GovLoopers, PR professionals and academia a need to examine and discuss the gap between our traditional media, journalism and public communication training and practices with an opportunity to strategically plan for the concept of Nowism or better yetRead… Read more »

Radicalize Your Suggestion Box

Cross-posted from Wired to Share While many government organizations are still struggling with the applicability of social media tools to their mission, there’s one area for engagement and improvement that jumps right out: bringing collaboration to the traditional suggestion box. What are some of the ways that agencies use a suggestion box? What are theRead… Read more »

Facebook | How Police Can Use As A Social Media Tool

Facebook is an extremely powerful social media community that has become larger than I am sure many Facebook executives would admit they thought was possible. Facebook had over 2.5 billion visits last month (10/2009), which is quite stunning. There are millions of people visiting Facebook billions of times a month to communicate with each other,Read… Read more »

The Virtual World is Flat- How social media is helping good ideas get heard

The Army is probably about as stratified and hierarchical an organization as you will find where everyone has a place in the system from Private to General. That system has existed for literally thousands of years but I believe the social media revolution is creating a virtual flattening like never seen before where anyone withRead… Read more »

“People of Earth, remember.” RHIOs Part II

The last couple of days have been just spectacularly beautiful in Denver with that Colorado blue sky that makes you just want to go out and play. But, instead of playing outside I have spent quite a bit of time reconnecting with old colleagues from the social and healthcare services projects I used to volunteerRead… Read more »

Announcing the Government 2.0 Online Conference (Gov 2.0 OLC) from O’Reilly Media

O’Reilly Media has gotten into Government 2.0 in a big way. Their events in September – the Gov 2.0 Summit and the preview event Gov 2.0 Expo Showcase showed off their vision for government. Their 2010 event, the Gov 2.0 Expo (whose program I co-chair with Laurel Ruma) is going to be a hugely excitingRead… Read more »

“The Stargate Trap”: From Politics to Implementation

Cross-posted from Wired to Share – In a new book that applies systems thinking to complex government initiatives, “If We Can Put a Man on the Moon … Getting Big Things Done in Government,” authors Bill Eggers and John O’Leary describe the moment that a public initiative translates from design to reality – the momentRead… Read more »