Posts Tagged: 2.0

Government 2.0 Taskforce Roadshow – Encouragingly Refreshing

I attended the first Government 2.0 Tasforce Roadshow held yesterday in Canberra at the Australian Bureau of Statistics in Belconnen. Whilst the agenda was published on the Taskforce web site I really did not know what to expect on the day. Given the format the event took it would have been more useful to bothRead… Read more »

Public eComment: Fostering Productive Citizen Engagement and Participation over the Web

Government webinar featuring the City of Arcata. With the fast pace of technology, it’s possible to improve public access and engage citizens more effectively. The City of Arcata has adeptly accomplished this. Arcata recently launched the Granicus eComment system to make decision-making more collaborative. By integrating a transactional Web-form into their Granicus multimedia toolset, theRead… Read more »

Award-Winning Tennessee General Assembly Increases Online Transparency: How to Open Government with Streaming Media

Granicus, Inc. is hosting a featuring the Tennessee General Assembly to demonstrate the technology innovation that helped them win two national awards, including NCSL’s Online Democracy Award, last month for building the most transparent and user-friendly legislative website. Steve Kriegish, Director of Legislative Information Services for the Tennessee General Assembly, will discuss how integrating streamingRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0: The Promise of Innovation

Republished from Column by Tim O’Reilly Original post can be found here Over the past 15 years, the World Wide Web has created remarkable new business models reshaping our economy. As the Web has undermined old media and software companies, it has demonstrated the enormous power of a new model, often referred toRead… Read more »

Leaving the room I’m not in, anyway

Originally posted on my blog, Talking Salmons. Sometimes in the office, I have to leave the room. My boss-ish (I have three), and his boss often go back and forth about the evils and pitfalls of social media. I’m never invited to the conversation–big people talk and all of that, but I hear every word.Read… Read more »

Do you monitor social media conversations about your department?

Republished from eGov AU. As a marketer I find the internet a dream channel for monitoring customer sentiment and concerns. Social media and search engines can be easily and cheaply tracked to provide fast feedback on various initiatives. This helps organisations shape their campaigns and responses to external events. I’d recommend that this is equallyRead… Read more »

Building a business case to move from IE6 to a modern web browser

Republished from eGov AU. Here’s some notes useful for a business case justifying an upgrade from Internet Explorer 6 to a more modern web browser that I prepared last week for a colleague at another organisation. It supports the priority in Australia 2 to Upgrade all government web browsers. Please add to them in theRead… Read more »

How engaged is your department online? And how does it affect your success?

Republished from eGov AU. Charlene Li, one of the writers of Groundswell and ex-Forrester analyst, has launched a new initiative which compares the financial success of organisations with their level of online engagement and allows organisations to compare how engaged they are online. Named Engagementdb, the site provides graphs and case studies on how variousRead… Read more »

Social Media and the Changing Role of Government (from

I was interviewed by an interesting website called OurBlook this week. I’m sharing the text of the interview with GovLoopers as I’d welcome any feedback or comments on my perspective. I always find these questions on trends, etc. to be difficult and open to a lot of interpretation. Lately, I’ve been more concerned with tacticalRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Expo Showcase Presentations

The presentations that will be featured at Gov 2.0 Expo Showcase have been selected and most have been posted to the Showcase site (we’re still wrapping up with speakers on a couple). The presentations are as follows: Government as a PROCESS * City of Santa Cruz Offers Blueprint for Solving CA Budget Crisis with SocialRead… Read more »