Posts Tagged: 2.0

Gov 2.0 Practical Guide Principle #8 – It’s a Service #OGI

A big part of ensuring gov 2.0 is to remember that it`s not just a site you are building, but that you are offering a service which is Principle #8 from the practical guide to gov 2.0 – It’s a Service A major difference of intranet communities versus social media or social networking sites isRead… Read more »

Australian Federal Government Announces IT Innovation Council

Today the Hon Kim Carr Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, annouced the 24 members of the new IT Innovation Council. -quote from media release- “IT will be the principal means to deliver the economic and productivity growth needed to drive innovation across the entire economy,“ Senator Carr said. “IT is critical to Australia’sRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Practical Guide Principle #5 – Nurture Content Addiction #OGI

Here’s the next principle from the practical guide to gov 2.0 – Principle #5: Nurture Content Addiction Successful sites are those active enough to maintain the attention of even the busiest people. Novelty and change are one big reason for people to keep coming back. The ongoing success of FaceBook and Twitter illustrate how “contentRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Practical Guide Principle #4 – Measurement Matters #OGI

Principle #4, from the practical guide to gov 2.0, is Measurement Matters To truly ensure the success of your government 2.0 initiatives, metrics need to be clearly defined and measured on an ongoing basis. Metrics are central to being able to plan and strategize efforts and activities in a project. This enables users and communityRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Practical Guide Principle #3 – Appropriate Calls to Action #OGI

Here’s Principle #3 from my new practical guide to Gov 2.0 – Appropriate Calls to Action The unique value of government 2.0 is engaging the voice of community members, but in the beginning it can be difficult to get people talking within a community. There may be a lot of lurkers, but not a wholeRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Practical Guide Principle #2 – Crowdsource Relevance #OGI

Here’s Principle #2 from our new guide to Gov 2.0, just in time for this week’s OGI show – Crowdsource Relevance Most social networking sites and communities have so much content, that it can be overwhelming to users. These sites, to varying degrees, make use of crowdsourcing, where users essentially do the work of “classifying”Read… Read more »

New Gov 2.0 Guide – Principle #1 – Simplicity #OGI

Here’s a new guide to government 2.0, designed to offer success strategies for applying proven social networking principles within the government and military, just in time for the Open Government and Innovations starting tomorrow in DC. I’ll be speaking at the event tomorrow as a panelist in Session 4-1 Openness, Information Sharing, and the UseRead… Read more »

ATO Major Fail on Accessibility

Yes it’s that time of year again, income tax return time and the ATO have once again provided an eTax application. Today on twitter I discovered that a glaring issue which has been a fault of eTax since it’s inception and has not been addressed yet again, is that it only runs on the WindowsRead… Read more »

Operating web and IT in an abundance mindset

Republished from eGov AU. Chris Anderson, the owner of Wired, recently wrote a very thought-provoking article about the need for organisations to consider how to operate within an abundance mindset rather than a scarcity-based one in his article, Tech Is Too Cheap to Meter: It’s Time to Manage for Abundance, Not Scarcity. Chris uses oneRead… Read more »