Posts Tagged: 2.0

Here’s Your Chance to Shine: Government 2.0 Expo and Showcase

Have you done something to help usher in the era of Government 2.0 and want to show it off? Have you changed the culture of your organization from one that hoards information to one that openly shares and collaborates with each other? Are you tired of toiling in obscurity while you see the same storiesRead… Read more »

How Australian journalists are using Twitter

Republished from eGovAU. If you’ve been attempting to advocate the use of Twitter for your Department or Agency, as I know a couple of people have been attempting to do, this article by MediaShift on How Journalists Are Using Twitter in Australia provides some large calibre ammunition. So does this Internal Comms Hub report discussingRead… Read more »

Web 2.0 as a Means to $AVE

I just read an article on a new study from Watson Wyatt Worldwide which indicates that employers are looking to get the most out of their HR technology — shocking considering this economy, eh? So what did the survey say about utilizing social networking to communicate internally and making the investment now with the gaolRead… Read more »

Social Portals. Why? How? When?

Should Facebook and other social portals—tools and networks designed to build social relationships and friendships be used as a primary means to formulate public policy? Are the social portals the right (and best) strategic approach to support the multiple roles and needs of government agencies — now and into the future? If we today promoteRead… Read more »

New book – What every intranet team should know

Republished from eGovAU. Step Two Designs has released the book, What every team should know written by James Robertson. The book is designed as a ‘quick start’ for intranet teams and provides practical advice on how to plan, design, manage and grow intranets. Combining over 13 years experience in intranets and building on the freeRead… Read more »

Social Software Lessons from the Government and Military

One thing that people often find surprising when I’m talking to them about social learning and communities, is when they find out how government and military organizations are really leading the way when it comes to actually using Web 2.0 tools and making an impact within their organizations. Hands down, government organizaitons are the onesRead… Read more »

President Obama Opens another Door with

By Teresa Carlson, Microsoft Vice President of U.S. Federal Government Sales From We know the President is taking the Open Government Initiative seriously. He is driving his team to find news ways to open the doors of government and let the people in. The most recent example of dedication to an open government hasRead… Read more »

Open Source Success Through Understanding the Acquisition Process

The criticality of contractors understanding the government acquisition process is vital to their success and the widespread adoption of open source software. Government transparency, openness and sharing will be significanty facilitated through this comprehension. This concept is superbly underscored through this article by Chet Hayes. While the intricacies of the acquisition process are often complex,Read… Read more »