Posts Tagged: 2.0

Applying Health 2.0 Lessons to the Constituent/Representative Relationship

Provisions in the The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the economic stimulus package signed by President Obama Feb. 17, include 19.2 billion dollars in incentive funds for physicians to abandon piecemeal paper-based health records for an electronic systems that will allow for greater efficiency and more indepth data collection for the diagnosis andRead… Read more »

Web 2.0 Policies

Looking for policies regarding use of web 2.0 such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. – both for setting up “official” pages and general staff use.

Highlights of the Federal Virtual Worlds Consortium Conference April 23-24

1. Most business happens outside of meetings. Virtual worlds increase serendipitous meetings that would not happen on video conference, webinars, teleconferences etc… 2. New Value Proposition Web 1.0 Access/find Web 2.0 share/participate/collaborate Web 3.0 co-create 3. Co-creation is the most experiential 4. Virtual Worlds provide a Cohesion of Presence (Herbeck) – this is why weRead… Read more »

Hiring Federal Web Project Manager (Management Analyst)

The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), is looking to hire a talented Web Project Manager (Management Analyst). The position is located in Washington, DC, in the Web Services Staff. The Web Services Staff supports the agency’s Internet, intranet, and emerging Web 2.0 strategy. The positionRead… Read more »

Massive Public Outreach on Swine Flu

A longer version of this post is also available at the Reach the Public Blog. Federal, state, and local health agencies are working overtime to inform the public about the recent Swine Flu outbreak that is currently affecting Mexico and small portions of the United States, but that poses a real international threat. Direct informationRead… Read more »

Do you walk the talk?

Republished from eGovAU. I have been having a few conversations over the last two days with a variety of web managers regarding the level of commitment by their organisations to their online channel. The response has been mixed. Some have a great deal of support and resourcing, others have interest but no resourcing and othersRead… Read more »

Open Governement and Innovation Conference – Authors or co-authors out there?

Check out the details here OGI is hosting a late July conference on how to realize the President’s call for leveraging social media for government transparency and greater public collaboration. If anyone would like to co-develop a topic, especially those regarding measuring the return on using social media or identifying challenges unique to public adoption,Read… Read more »

Digital etiquette – are government agencies adequately prepared to engage appropriately online?

Republished from eGovAU. Etiquette is important in every form of social engagement. When Australians meet others for the first time we exchange names, shake hands and make light conversation before getting down to the main topic of conversation. Other cultures have different social etiquette. Many hug or kiss cheeks on first meeting, exchange business cardsRead… Read more »