Posts Tagged: 2.0

Three Challenges for Mainstreaming Gov 2.0 – When you think of challenges to moving government towards more collaboration, openness and direct democracy, you may think of issues like institutionalized resistance to interagency sharing, legacy laws blocking Gov 2.0 uptake, or some other roadblock to adoption. I don’t think those barriers are as big as we think. But three features alreadyRead… Read more »

Facebook (GovLoop, too) is for Everyone; Twitter is Not

from After using Facebook and Twitter at high volume for a few months, I’m ready to say it: one has universal appeal, the other most decidedly does not. I like both, but I have to take a strong position against folks who think everyone should be on Twitter. Everyone should not be on Twitter.Read… Read more »

Local Gov 2.0 the way it’s supposed to be

Those of us who work for local government who are here on govloop have spent some time talking about how we would like to see “Gov 2.0” used at the local government level. Well, here is a local government leader who is doing just what we asked! The police chief for Lincoln, Nebraska, has aRead… Read more »

Presentation notes – web 2.0 in the City

Here’s the outline of the 7-minute presentation I made today. Discussion was 1.5 hours. I hope it went well. Our website will tell the tale. Outline Website design/Networking meeting presentation Website Organization/design Brief history of the website. Reduced advertising by more than half – User paths/what’s popular. 1. Update website – paying attention to userRead… Read more »

Social Media Day, a learning experience

Overall, I believe the Technology Services’ (NIST) Social Media Day was a success. Dr. Jean-Claude Bradley shared his experience with creating and using Open Notebook Science that will hopefully inspire some of our scientists to see the value in web 2.0 tools to help them with their work. And his work with solubility may becomeRead… Read more »

Are You Using GovTwit Yet?

As folks in this community know well, more and more people in and around government are using the social media platform Twitter. Twitter allows users to create a community of interest and shared information via “tweets” of 140 characters or less. Government users have created a vibrant and active community using Twitter daily to talkRead… Read more »

Getting Started

I am currently working on an initiative to bring web 2.0 technologies into the county that I work for. I admit that I have not been a user of much of this technology, mostly because of time I think, however I have started reading about and using this type of technology to get started withRead… Read more »