Posts Tagged: 7

IRS puts two managers on leave – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Helping you do your job better, that is the mission of the DorobekINSIDER and now it is also the mission of the Volcker Alliance. The group founded by Paul Volcker the former chairman of the Federal Reserve. We get the inside scoop from OMB veteran and new Volcker Alliance President ShellyRead… Read more »

Obama taps Susan Rice for Nat. Security Adviser – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Sol is the world’s first interplanetary weather app, it integrates weather data from the Curiosity rover on Mars with weather data from here on Earth. The app was developed by Ingenology for the NASA Space App Challenge. Meet the man behind the app. Mike Wilson. The SEVEN stories that impact yourRead… Read more »

IRS lands a new Chief of Staff – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Many of us learned about the legislative process while listening to the School House Rock anthem in our elementary classroom. But if you want to take your knowledge of the legislative process a bit further, you only have to log on to The site also allows you to track billsRead… Read more »

A New Scandal Brewing at IRS – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Last March the Office of Management and Budget unveiled PortfolioStat. The goal was simple, help agencies save time, money and resources by giving them a tool to asses their portfolio management process. We talk to OMB’s Andrew McMahon about how PortfolioStat is going one year later. The SEVEN stories that impactRead… Read more »

Pres. Nominates a new FBI Director – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The Agricultural Research Service’s Ken Lithicum studies deadly insects who terrorize plants, animals and humans. His work has saved millions of lives in Africa and the Middle East and has made him a Service to America Medal Finalist. Meet him! The SEVEN stories that impact your life President Barack Obama hasRead… Read more »

Former Fed Chair Starts Foundation – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: By now everyone has heard about the situation brewing over at the IRS. But the question now becomes how will this scandal affect future decision making? Insights from UMD Public Policy Dean Don Kettl. Up front: Paul Volcker, the former chairman of the Federal Reserve, is starting a foundation that willRead… Read more »

Have the Chinese Hacked our Weapons Systems? – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: It was the the tweet heard around the country: “CAPTURED!!! The hunt is over. The search is done. The terror is over. And justice has won. Suspect in custody.” Meet the man behind the Twitter field Deputy Daley. Click here for the full recap. The SEVEN stories that impact your lifeRead… Read more »

Pres. Nominates Katherine Archuleta to OPM – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Swift, certain, consistent and proportionate – that is the motto of the new probation program making waves in Hawaii. The program – called H.O.P.E. – has reduced recidivism by 51% and has been recognized by Harvard University’s Ash Center as one of the ‘Top 25 Innovations in Government.” We find outRead… Read more »

GSA asks Acting Administration Tangherlini to stay put – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The White House is ushering a new normal when it comes the federal government’s data. The new policy is forcing agencies to make data accessible and open. We go over the new openness plan with the Sunlight’s policy director, John Wonderlich. The SEVEN stories that impact your life President Obama hasRead… Read more »

Sequester Cuts Impact Oklahoma Disaster Relief – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Turning data into decisions, it sounds obvious but for large organizations compiling, formatting and interpreting vast amounts of data can be almost impossible. But Army Lieutenant Colonel Bobby Saxon and his team have created a system that does just that for the Army. It’s called Enterprise Management Decision Support System (EMDS).Read… Read more »