Quick Qualification Tips for Federal Jobs
How can you do a quick check of the qualifications for federal jobs? Use keywords in competencies and occupational questionnaire and support in your resume.
How can you do a quick check of the qualifications for federal jobs? Use keywords in competencies and occupational questionnaire and support in your resume.
Greetings You’d have great insight and experience I could use and hope you can assist… I am seeking Human Resource Managers (or those working in that capacity) who are working in (or have worked in) the Government Contracting Industry (not considered Government Service [GS]) for at least five years to participate in my Ph.D. DissertationRead… Read more »
Career, Miscellaneous, Project Management
I just did a quick search on USAJobs to find out how many positions are currently posted: over 5000! Our natural tendency with that information is often to apply to more positions. Don’t fall into the simple math trap–the more positions I apply to, the better my chances. In my mind, quality trumps quantity 99Read… Read more »