Section 508 Is Only the Start of Accessibility
Section 508 requires that all government communications and information are accessible to people with disabilities. But what happens outside official communications is also crucial for accessibility.
Section 508 requires that all government communications and information are accessible to people with disabilities. But what happens outside official communications is also crucial for accessibility.
The greatest performer in your agency may be someone you don’t call on much anymore, someone who’s older or has survived multiple layoffs and in-force reductions. But overlooking those employees is a mistake.
Ensuring accessibility should be a priority for every stakeholder involved in government technology development, operation and maintenance. A new federal memorandum highlights what’s required — so the American Dream is attainable for everyone, regardless of their physical ability.
Public speakers may be tempted to forego using microphones, but they shouldn’t: Millions of people need that audio assist. Without it, a speaker’s message may be lost.
In New Jersey, officials are finding ways to make the unemployment benefits system clearer, more seamless and more compassionate. It’s the result of thoughtful, agile, evidence-based modernization.
Collaborative technology has erased physical barriers that once made it difficult to meet face-to-face and work on documents simultaneously. But disabled employees and other workers often need special accommodations — closed captioning, for instance — that allows them to access modern communications technology.
Digital accessibility is complex. Having a clear sense of the responsibilities of each of the multiple roles involved can keep important aspects from falling through the cracks.
Identity verification is critical to preventing identity theft, but verification strategies shouldn’t keep people from accessing government services they deserve.
While the concept of DevOps can be confusing, and is often surrounded by hype, it is important for agencies to understand what DevOps is and why it is essential to helping them meet their goals for improving customer experiences.
Of all the ways to improve the productivity of your agency, collaboration is one of the most important. Here’s a look at how it works.