Posts Tagged: Act

Cross-Agency Priority Goals: 2014 (Part 1)

OMB released a refreshed list of cross-agency priority goals for the remainder of the Obama Administration. There are 15 goals, seven mission-related and eight management-related. Only three carry over from the previous set of commitments. Following are edited excerpts from Cross-Agency Priority goals address the longstanding challenge of tackling horizontal problems across vertical organizationalRead… Read more »

Promising Practices for Interagency Collaboration

GAO has issued a series of reports over the past three years identifying more than 80 areas where there is potential duplication and overlap. It observes that “agencies face a range of barriers when they attempt to work collaboratively.” On occasions, the Government Accountability Office breaks the mold for its reports and looks for thingsRead… Read more »

OMB’s New Annual Strategic Reviews

Federal agencies this year will be subject to a new statutory requirement. A new law requires the Office of Management and Budget to annually determine if agency programs meet goals set out in their annual performance plans. To do this, OMB has created a new review process. A provision of the Government Performance and ResultsRead… Read more »

Required Reading: New Agency Strategic Plans

Set your New Year’s resolutions now! In early 2014, for the first time federal agencies will simultaneously submit refreshed strategic plans to Congress, covering the next four years. You should put them on your “must read” list for the new year. Many agencies have been quietly posting their draft strategic plans on-line for public comments,Read… Read more »

Richard Spires: CIOs Need More Infrastructure, Business System Control

Lawmakers need to draft a stronger information technology procurement reform legislation that gives agency chief information officers greater control of the infrastructure and business systems, former DHS CIO Richard Spires writes in a column for FCW. He noted that the Obama administration’s website woes have thrust the business of buying and managing IT toRead… Read more »

Trend 1: Performance

Over the past two decades, the goal of those in the “performance movement” across the globe has been to change the culture of government agencies to be more results-oriented and performance-focused in their work and their decision-making. But it has been a long road. In 2011, two European academics conducted a meta-analysis of 519 studiesRead… Read more »

Analyst Forecasts $62B Per Year in Defense Procurements

A Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments analyst predicts that defense budget may drop as much as $415 billion if sequestration remains in place over the next decade, Aviation Week reported Friday. Michael Bruno writes CSBA defense analyst Todd Harrison said Thursday that the military’s authorized procurement would fall to $62 billion on an annualRead… Read more »

A Look at the Next Two Weeks…And Beyond

by Steve Charles, Co-founder and Executive Vice President With the Washington Nationals now eliminated for sure from this season’s baseball playoffs, Washington the city and the market can focus fully on handicapping the possibility of a government shutdown next week. Just in case, the White House issued a memo this month on agency operations duringRead… Read more »

EEOC & DOL Hosting Twitter Chat 9/25 on Disability Issues in Federal Sector

How much do you know about the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Rehab Act) and disability-related issues in the federal sector workforce? Learn more on Wednesday, Sept. 25, from 1:00-2:00 p.m. (ET), when the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) host a live “Twitter Chat” in commemoration of theRead… Read more »

Half Empty or Half Full?

A recent GAO report on the executive branch’s approach to new requirements in the Government Performance and Results Act recommends that “OMB improve the implementation of the act.” But a sub-theme in the report describes how agencies are actually building a long-term, solid foundation for a performance-driven government. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) is requiredRead… Read more »